Chapter 9

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Why do a bunch of you guys want Rosalie pregnant? LOL. I find it funny idk . 

Oh and I wrote Chapter one of The Great Styles and I was wondering if any of you guys would like me to put it up?

*Rosalie's P.O.V*

“Are you almost ready Rose?” Zayn asked me walking into the room while I was doing my hair. Ivy’s play was tonight and it had been a week since Zayn and I made up.

“Hold on, let me make sure I look fine.” I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled at my appearance. (Outfit on Side)

“You always look beautiful; now let’s go before we are late.” Zayn grabbed my hand and we left the house.


“What big eyes you have.” Ivy said while looking at the wolf/grandma.

“The better to see you with my dear,” the wolf/grandma grinned.

“What big ears you have.” Ivy said a little more frightened.

“The better to hear you with my dear,” the wolf/grandma answered.

“What big teeth you have.” Ivy said with complete fear.

“The better to eat you with my dear!” The boy that was playing the wolf came out of the grandma clothes and Ivy screamed dropping the basket.

Then the “door” opened and the grandma and axmen came in and chased the wolf out of the house.

The play was over and all the characters bowed and smiled. The parents were told to wait in the room with juice and cupcakes.

“People are staring.” I mumbled at Zayn while I leaned into his side. I was here with Zayn, Liam, Danielle, Niall, and Louis.

“Let them stare. Who cares? We came in support of our little girl. Oh look it’s her teacher.” Zayn beckoned Mrs. April over to talk to us.

“Hello, are you Mr. and Mrs. Malik?” She smiled at Zayn and me.

“Um, well no just Rosalie and Zayn. We aren’t married.” I smiled.

“Yet.” Zayn finished and kissed my forehead.

“Oh, well are you Ivy’s parents? It’s great to actually meet you.” She shook are hands. “And these are?” she said looking at Harry and Louis warily.

“Ivy’s aunts and uncles, well our best friends.” I smiled. “How is Ivy doing in school, and sorry for bringing her in so late?”

“Oh, it is quite alright. And she is doing great. Top in our class actually. She loves to act and read. When she found out about her part she was very happy.”

“Yea, she wouldn’t stop reciting her lines with me, and every time I messed up she made us start all over again.” Harry sighed laughing a bit.

“Ivy is very dedicated, and here she is now! Ivy you did so well. I am so proud of you.” Mrs. April gave her hug, said bye to us, and left.

“Ivy you did so great!” Zayn said picking her up and placing her in his hip. We gave her a kiss on her forehead and then left.

“What do you all want to do now? I think we should all celebrate! How about Mike’s Pub?” Louis asked.

“I am not bringing my daughter into a bar. Nice try Hun.” I told Louis.

“It’s almost closed anyway, we can have the place to ourselves even if people are there, and no one will care. I promise.” Louis said kissing my forehead. “Let’s go guys; last one there has to pick up the bill!” He grabbed Harry’s hand and ran with him to the car.

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