chapter 9

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Taehyung gradually stirred from his slumber, only to find the soft, warm figure of Jungkook clinging to him. The younger man's face was nestled against Taehyung's stomach, and the hem of Taehyung's shirt had slyly ridden up, exposing a sliver of bare skin. Jungkook's breath danced playfully across Taehyung's abdomen, his gentle lips teasing the surface near Taehyung's belly button.

The intimate position sent a subtle wave of warmth through Taehyung's body, a mixture of vulnerability and unexpected sensuality. He sighed quietly, a blend of heat coursing through him as he gently manoeuvred Jungkook's head onto the mattress. The soft disturbance broke the spell of the moment, prompting Taehyung to rise from the bed.

Surveying the sleeping figure, Taehyung couldn't help but acknowledge the adorableness of Jungkook, clad in Taehyung's loose white shirt and wine-coloured short ajamas. Lips parted in serene slumber, right cheek pressed against the mattress, Jungkook appeared innocent yet managed to evoke a cascade of unholy thoughts in Taehyung's mind.

The realization hit Taehyung like a weight settling on his lower body, and he rolled his eyes at his body's visceral reaction to the sight of his bed occupied by Jungkook. There was an internal acknowledgment of desire, a pulse of tension that he shrugged off as he redirected his focus to the approaching demands of the day. Time was ticking, and with responsibilities awaiting at the office, Taehyung stepped into the bathroom, preparing to face the outside world.


Jungkook roused from the haze of slumber, a persistent sound disrupting the quiet of the room. In a sleepy, half-conscious manoeuvre, he navigated across the bed, deftly silencing the bothersome alarm.

As he lingered in the realm of half-sleep, a distinctive, alluring scent gently permeated his senses, coaxing him to wakefulness.

With a slow blink, Jungkook found himself in unfamiliar surroundings. The room's details gradually came into focus, and he realised he wasn't in his own space. Flashes of the night before played like a vivid reel, and a sheepish smile played upon his lips as he remembered his earnest request to share Taehyung's room.

The lingering fragrance in the air served as a reminder of Taehyung's presence, a manly aroma that had surrounded him throughout the night. Jungkook's cheeks flushed with warmth at the memory of Taehyung's tender care. The gentleness with which Taehyung had looked after him, the comforting embrace—it all coalesced into a sweet recollection.

Seated on the bed, Jungkook reflected on the night, deeming it one of the most memorable times.

Taehyung's attentive care and the acceptance of his request for a cuddle had forged a connection that felt like a turning point in their relationship. The warmth of the embrace lingered in Jungkook's heart, leaving him genuinely satisfied.

After one and a half months since the wedding, the night marked the blooming of a newfound bond with his father-in-law. His flushed cheeks spoke volumes of the genuine joy and contentment that now coloured their evolving relationship.

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