chapter 22 (🥀-I)

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A mischievous grin tugged at the corners of Jungkook's lips as he slowly edged closer to Taehyung, his movements deliberate and calculated. With a boldness born of desperation, he sank to his knees, positioning himself before Taehyung's CEO chair, hidden from view yet tantalisingly close to Taehyung's proximity.

The soft fabric of Taehyung's trousers grazed Jungkook's fingertips as he reached out, his touch gentle. His heart pounded in his chest, the anticipation of how Taehyung would react making his breaths shallow and rapid.

Taehyung's attention faltered, his gaze momentarily distracted by the unexpected sensation against his thigh. He glanced down, his eyebrows furrowing in surprise and disbelief at the sight of Jungkook beneath the table.

His hazel brown eyes, framed by golden glasses, issued a silent warning as he adjusted the glasses on his long nose. Yet beneath the facade of authority, there lingered a flicker of joy, a longing for Jungkook that he had been denying himself for the past week.

The three employees exchanged confused glances, trying to decipher what their boss was doing. 

"What happened, sir? Is there any problem?" The lady in the red dress asked softly, concern etched in her features.

Taehyung's head snapped at her in horror, his mind racing for an explanation. A problem? No, not a problem, but perhaps a little sweet trouble, he mused to himself.

A smile played on his lips as he spoke, his voice smooth yet tinged with amusement. "Not a problem, my dear, just a little bug, that's all."

Beneath the table, Jungkook's eyebrows arched, his lips forming a pout. He wasn't a bug, though. He was something much more enticing, something that Taehyung couldn't resist; no matter how hard he tried to deny it, JungKook believed it.

But wait, what was with the term "my dear"
Jungkook's pout deepened.

Even though he couldn't see the woman Taehyung was addressing, Jungkook knew she was young and beautiful by her voice, which was sweet but not melodious like his.

However, Jungkook was sure that she wasn't as skilled as him at moaning in a sexy manner, especially at both loud and soft volumes.

His eyes flickered to his own hand resting on Taehyung's thigh, the warmth of Taehyung's body seeping through the fabric. Was this woman just another toy for Taehyung's pleasure?

Jungkook brushed aside the thought. It didn't matter how many toys Taehyung had; all that mattered was the chance for Jungkook to become Taehyung's favourite once again.

As Taehyung's attention wavered, Jungkook saw his opening. With a sly grin playing on his lips, he tightened his grip on Taehyung's upper thigh, feeling the muscle beneath his fingers.

A bead of sweat formed on Taehyung's forehead as he struggled to maintain his facade of control. His lips halted mid-sentence, his breath catching in his throat, but he quickly composed himself and resumed talking to the employees.

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