chapter 17 (🥀-I)

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17 chapters have been completed, reads haven't reached 5K, and comments are like near 20 per chapter. (|||❛︵❛.)
Please leave comments 💀

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The evening enveloped Jungkook in a warm embrace as he emerged from the bathroom, his movements deliberate, hands sweeping through damp hair with a crisp white towel. The mirror reflected his bare form, freshly washed and glistening in the soft glow of the room.

The towel was tossed aside, a casual dismissal, leaving his hair slightly damp and tousled. Turning, he couldn't escape the visual evidence on his skin-new hickeys adorned his body, a testament to passionate encounters.

His lips, bearing the memory of a previous bite from Taehyung, curled in a mix of satisfaction and longing. Six days had passed, yet the mark had vanished, leaving Jungkook craving its return.

The absence of Taehyung's presence weighed on him, especially considering their daily encounters in Pattinson's office. Their eyes, conduits of unspoken desires, exchanged a silent intensity. Jungkook's vulnerability met Taehyung's unquenchable hunger, a flame that consumed him daily. To cope, Jungkook sought refuge in new clubs, attempting to dampen the heat with fleeting distractions.

His fingertips traced the contours of his hard abs, eyes closed, savouring the tactile memory of Taehyung's touch. The room echoed with Jungkook's sighs, his stomach tingling at the mere thought of Taehyung's hands once again caressing his skin.

The drawer opened, revealing a cascade of items thrown onto the bed, a hasty preparation for Kyle's imminent arrival. Yet, in this moment, Jungkook found himself lost in thoughts of Taehyung, the allure of their complex connection pulling him into a web of desire and uncertainty.

Jungkook's senses heightened at the sudden sound resonating from downstairs, causing him to flinch involuntarily. Glancing at the watch, he noted the remaining time before Kyle's anticipated arrival. His eyebrow arched, a subtle acknowledgment of the ticking seconds, while his heart stirred with an unspoken yearning for Taehyung.

With the impending flight to Korea on the horizon, the prospect of Taehyung's return became not just plausible but also expected. Jungkook's gaze shifted to a wine-colored robe, a luxurious fabric that beckoned to be worn. A mischievous smile played on his lips as he lazily wrapped the robe around him, letting the ribbons fall loosely, creating an alluring contrast against his bare skin.

A tantalising thought crossed his mind-what if he wore nothing else beneath the robe? The notion sent a thrilling twitch through him, heightening the palpable tension in the air. Biting his lip, he gathered the courage to open the door, a gateway to the impending encounter.

Descending the stairs, his heart reverberated loudly, a symphony of anticipation. The cold floor met the soles of his bare feet, adding a sensory layer to the charged atmosphere. As he reached the entry, a moment of suspense hung in the air, the space void of anyone.

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