chapter 21

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The update schedule for this book is
Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday.


Jungkook blew a bubble with his chewing gum, his lips forming a playful pout as he watched the fragile pink balloon expand before it burst with a satisfying pop, echoing through the bland confines of his office cabin. It was just another mundane day in a space that Jungkook found unbearably dull.

His thoughts drifted to Taehyung, the one bright spot in his otherwise monotonous existence. Taehyung had injected a sense of excitement and passion into Jungkook's life, and the mere thought of their encounters sent a thrill coursing through his veins. Yet, it had been a week since their return to Korea, and Jungkook had yet to cross paths with Taehyung.

The possibility that Taehyung might be avoiding him gnawed at Jungkook's insides, a pang of hurt mingling with his frustration. He couldn't shake the feeling of longing that consumed him—the desperate desire to be near Taehyung once more.

As Jungkook reached for his phone, hoping for some distraction from his tumultuous thoughts, the shrill ringtone shattered the silence of the office. His father's name flashed across the screen, and Jungkook's heart sank. Another lecture and another round of scolding awaited him; he was sure of it.

"Jungkook, come to my cabin," his father's voice commanded before abruptly ending the call.

Entering his father's cabin, Jungkook found himself on the receiving end of unexpected praise.

His father spoke of Taehyung's commendations, highlighting how Taehyung had spoken highly of Jungkook's abilities at a recent party.

Jungkook's bunny teeth peeked out from behind his lips, a rare sight that illuminated his face with infectious joy. For the first time in his father's presence, he felt a sense of happiness—a glimmer of pride that shone brightly in his eyes. It was an unfamiliar feeling, one that he savoured as if it were a precious gem, and he couldn't help but marvel at the unexpected turn of events.

His father's praise was like a beacon of validation, a confirmation that perhaps he was worthy of more than just criticism. Jungkook had always harboured a deep desire to make his father proud, to prove himself capable and deserving of his acknowledgment. And now, as he basked in the glow of his father's approval, he felt a surge of gratitude towards Taehyung, whose influence had undoubtedly played a role in this newfound recognition.

"Thank you, Appa," Jungkook uttered, his voice tinged with genuine happiness and gratitude, his heart brimming with an unfamiliar warmth.

Returning to his own cabin, Jungkook's anticipation for lunchtime grew with each passing minute. He couldn't wait to seek out Taehyung and express his gratitude for the role he had played in making this day so special.

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