chapter 20

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The alarm rang for the fourth time, its persistent chime breaking through the silence of the morning. Taehyung's eyes fluttered open, greeted by the soft glow of dawn filtering through the curtains. A sense of warmth enveloped his body, a lingering sensation from the night's intimate embrace.

As he shifted, he felt a gentle tingling all over, a reminder of the passionate encounter that had transpired just hours ago. His gaze fell upon Jungkook, still nestled against him, his rhythmic breaths a soothing melody in the quiet room.

Biting his lip with a mix of arousal and tenderness, Taehyung adjusted his position ever so slightly, drawing back the sheets to reveal their intertwined bodies. A soft hiss escaped his lips as the cool air caressed his skin, contrasting with the warmth emanating from where they were joined. Jungkook was still fully stuffed with his cock.

Jungkook lay beside him, his features softened in slumber, completely unaware of Taehyung's gaze upon him.

Closing his eyes, Taehyung allowed himself to be engulfed by the memories of the night before. He recalled the moment he had carried a naked Jungkook into his room. The feeling of laying Jungkook down on the bed before he entered him.

A soft mewl escaped Jungkook's lips, drawing Taehyung's attention back to the present. He watched as Jungkook stirred slightly, the signs of Taehyung's arousal inside him evident even in his sleep.

Taehyung's own body responded to the sight, his length stirring with renewed interest at the prospect of another round of passion.

With gentle care, Taehyung eased himself out of Jungkook's embrace, his softened yet slightly hard cock still tingling with the echoes of their previous intimacy. He knew that a quick shower would help alleviate the stirring arousal, allowing him to regain control of his desires.

Covering Jungkook with the sheets, Taehyung couldn't resist stealing one last glance at his sleeping form. His heart swelled with a mixture of affection and longing, a tender desire to kiss Jungkook's cheek and whisper words of adoration into his ear. But he quickly pushed aside such thoughts, chiding himself for indulging in stupid fantasies.

With a silent resolve, Taehyung made his way to the washroom, the sound of running water a soothing balm to his frayed nerves. As he stepped beneath the spray, he let the warm water cascade over his body, washing away the remnants of their passionate night and preparing himself for the journey ahead.

Taehyung shook his head, a wry smile tugging at the corners of his lips as the sound of the doorknob rattling reached his ears. He knew it could only be Jungkook, persistent as ever in his attempts to violate the bathroom's sanctity.

The boy seemed utterly shameless, Taehyung mused, wondering if he ever tired after the intense activities of the previous night.

But despite the interruption, Taehyung remained focused on the task at hand, the warm water cascading over his body as he continued to wash himself up.

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