Dancing With Our Hands Tied [48]

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"Is she feeling any better now?" Xingqiu asks in worry when the door opens to make way for the traveler and her small companion. But to his disappointment, Lumine slowly shakes her head.

It was the night of the engagement party that you were dreading arriving, and you just wanted it to be over as soon as possible. Unfortunately, you have only come to realize the consequences of holding your feelings in and moving on too quickly ever since the incident with Delia, thus, an unwanted breakdown in the middle of your preparations.

"She's recollecting herself after saying that she's fine now but we all know that's a complete lie," Paimon says with her hands on her hips. "She can't be fine after her once close friend along with her supposed trusted maid kidnapped and almost sold her!"

The two were quick to receive the news after the recent events that happened to you, and the reason why they were absent was because they were busy being Teyvat's helper yet again.

You really didn't mind not sticking around them these days and although your goal was to travel with them, your priority right now was to stay beside your fiancé for the engagement—even though it would most likely just end up being you alone in places where you don't even know how he's escaped from your grasp and the situation.

"Xingqiu!" Xiangling was in a hurry as she approached the trio outside your room. "Idette is starting in five minutes."

"She requires your assistance," Chongyun adds, standing beside the chef.

Both of them looked perfect for tonight's event; the young exorcist with his suit and light blue tie, and Xiangling with her cute black evening dress.

At this point, the guests had finished introducing themselves to each other, and Idette, who was now assigned as the last-minute host (because you were not in your right mind to handle a lot of people at the same time right now), was getting worried of dragging the welcoming of guests too long, so it was about time she introduced the newly-engaged couple now.

Xingqiu lightly scratches his cheek, hesitant to leave you in your current condition.

"It's okay, Xingqiu. We'll keep an eye on her." Paimon smiles and your fiancé nods.

Upon hearing their decisions from the other side of the door, you took a moment to breathe in and out and averted your gaze to the sight of yourself in the mirror to make sure that your eyes didn't look as puffy as possible.

"Thank you, traveler and Paimon." He says and is about to go along with his friends, but at that moment, the door to your room swings open again.

"[Name]!" Xiangling's face brightened when they turned around to greet you, taking in your astounding appearance for tonight. "You look amazing!"

"Thank you." You smile.

You had a bit of freedom for what you could wear for the event—as long as it followed your parents' circumstances. The color of your clothes was white, paired with the accessories of your choice, and—a ring you still weren't wearing (more like, you didn't have) because you'd been avoiding this talk from your fiancé from the start.

Xingqiu was the complete opposite from his friend though, it was clear as day when he quickly made his way back to you, "We can cancel the party right this instant if you'd like."

You shake your head, "No, that's not necessary. I'll be fine." You fake a smile and he sighs. The others weren't completely convinced by your words either.

You could already hear Idette starting from below with a few clinks from her champagne glass and a "Good evening, honored guests." to catch the attention of the people in the room.

Hydrophobic ¦ Xingqiu x Reader [Genshin Impact] Where stories live. Discover now