Talk to Talk

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Hi everyone! 🌟

I hope you're all doing awesome! 🌈 So, I wanted to have a little heart-to-heart with you guys. First off, big hugs and thank you to those who've been dropping stars on my chapters! 💖 It seriously means so much, and I can't stop smiling when I see those votes rolling in.

But here's the thing—I've been noticing this little book fam is growing (yay!), and I'm over the moon about it. 🚀 However, I've got this itch to make this story even more amazing, you know? Right now, I'm hitting like 500 reads on some chapters, which is incredible! But the star count is feeling a bit shy at 8.

No worries, I'm not looking for fame or anything. I just want this story to shine a bit brighter because, well, I've poured my heart and soul into this book. It's my baby! 🍼

I'm not throwing in the towel—I know it's my first go at this, and I'm learning tons, I think me as well you see the difference between chapter 1 and how it goes now. But hey, to the other 490 awesome folks who haven't hit that star button, I'd love to hear your thoughts! Seriously, spill the tea. 🍵 What could make the book more 'wow' for you? Maybe it's the words, sentences, or names, is it too dramatic?—I'm all ears...

I get it; we all have different tastes. And if you're worried about your name popping up in my notifications, chill. It's our secret club, and only I'll see it. Just know that your feedback is like my secret weapon for making this book even more fantastic.

Sending virtual hugs to everyone who's been part of this journey! 🌟 You, my friend, are making my day every time you drop a vote. Let's keep this adventure going! 💫

I'll be updating a new chapter either tomorrow or on Monday! Stay tuned! See you then!"

Charlotte 💖✨

PS: Apologies if I got a bit carried away with the emojis—I'm just buzzing with excitement! 🙈 I  don't want to come off as the cookie-craving mean witch; that's not my vibe at all. I'm genuinely a tad puzzled about the votes situation for the book. Is this normal? Well... I'm not sure.😅


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