64 - (Dis)Honesty

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Himari had known Aizawa's address for a while; yet, it was the first time she paid him a visit. Somehow, they'd managed to spend all their time together on the U.A. campus - mainly out of sheer laziness and obvious reasons.

The door opened and revealed a slightly dishevelled Aizawa who clearly hadn't expected any visitors this evening. He furrowed his brows and shot her a puzzled look, "Have I forgotten something?"

"I'm also happy to see you. No, your brain's still fine. I was in the area and spontaneously decided to stop by and bless you with my presence", she said while she was openly trying to catch a glimpse of the uncharted territory that was his flat. She noticed his quick glance at the clock and added, "Don't worry. I'm not planning to besiege your mysterious man cave for long. I'm aware that you're on duty today."

Aizawa gestured her to come in and placed a quick peck on her lips before he locked the door behind him. "Please make yourself comfortable. I just have to skim the most urgent police reports before I can give you my undivided attention. I hope you don't mind?"

"No worries. I'm the intruder here. I can keep myself occupied", Himari answered truthfully, making a complete turn while she was curiously eyeing his flat.

Unsurprisingly, it was exactly like she'd imagined it to be. Everything was kept simple and straightforward. Of course, there wasn't much of a variety when it came to the colour scheme. If something wasn't black, it was grey, and if it wasn't grey, it was white. Himari had to stifle a chuckle as she spotted what seemed to be the only corner of the flat that was tinged in colours. It was Sushi's cat stand that was littered in plush toys of all colours. The queen reigned supreme on top of it.

Himari planted herself on the couch and hugged her knees while she was watching Aizawa working at the computer opposite of her. "Well, I've not been completely honest about my surprise visit. There's something I want to talk about."

Aizawa fingers stopped moving on the keyboard and he turned around in his chair, a worried expression sitting on his face.

Himari intervened before he could jump to a conclusion, "Don't give me that look. I'm fine. It's not about me. Actually, it's about Iida."

His worry evolved into confusion. "Tensei or Tenya?"

"Tenya. I would have waited, but the internships already start on Monday. It's urgent", Himari said with a resigned sigh. "I met him at the hospital and-"

"At the hospital?"

"I wanted to visit Tensei. I had to."

Aizawa's eyes widened. "He's in the Musutafu General Hospital, isn't he? Are you alright?"

"I'm okay. Honestly? It was awful to enter that building again. I repeatedly had to remind myself that there isn't anything left of Sugimoto and the atrocities he committed in there. In the end, it turned out fine. I was there for Tensei after all."

He nodded and signalised her to go on, visibly relieved to hear that she was indeed alright.

"After my visit, I ran into Iida. He was angry. No, angry would be an understatement. He was seething with rage and mentioned Stain. I'm afraid he intends to do something stupid. Unfortunately, I have no idea what agency he's going to intern in. Could you inform their office about the situation and ask them to keep an eye on him? Ideally, an extra careful one."

Now it was Aizawa's turn to let out a long-drawn sigh. "That doesn't sound too good. I'm glad you told me though. He'll be spending next week with Manual."

"Fuck. Manual's agency is in Hosu City, isn't it?"

"Fuck indeed. That's where Tensei was struck down by Stain. Iida must be up to something stupid. I'll personally inform Manual about everything before the internship starts. Thank you." Aizawa gave her a tired smile before he dedicated himself to the police reports again. "I'm sorry. I don't want to come off as rude. I'll be done in a few minutes."

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