Chapter 1

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Eleanor came from a noble family. She is expected to represent her family with grace. She must walk with a straight posture, speak when spoken to, and obey without question. When the time comes to marry, she is to serve her husband without disobedience and bare a child to continue the bloodline.

As a woman, she received no education. Instead, she was groomed to be the perfect wife in the eyes of a man. Her life was regulated down to the smallest detail. Her meals were small to ensure her figure would be small. Her hair was brushed everyday, rarely getting cut since long hair was favorable to men. Her exposure to the sun was limited so her skin wouldn't be blemished. Nothing was ever of her own decision.

Eleanor did not have a good relationship with her mother. Since her younger days, she always strived to gain some sort of affection from her mother. She worked hard to be recognized. Eleanor would compliment her mother's looks, help her mother with certain tasks, but all these attempts were in vain. Her mother ignored her, leaving her to be raised by the servants. However, if Eleanor displayed behavior that was not becoming of a lady, her mother would use physical means to punish her daughter. Picking flowers from the garden, reading books, simple things like these were meant with punishment, resulting in the beginning of abuse.

She never thought of the future since it would be decided for her. All she could do was wait for orders. She refused to think about what could be. To her, there was no reason to hope for something that was fruitless. It was a waste of energy to dream about a life she wanted. She didn't even know what she wanted. Being hidden within the manor for most of her life, she didn't know what the world has to offer. She was only shown the bleak side of it.

Aimless staring out her window, she was unaware of a peculiar individual entering the town. This individual is a doctor, although not your typical doctor treating the common ailments and patients. This doctor's only purpose is to eliminate the great disease that threatens existence, Pestilence. Known for corrupting one's soul, he pains for his patients that suffer from the disease.

While there is a cure, it is flawed. His operation leaves the patient cured, but the soul is permanently damaged. Their essence, their will is gone. The doctor knows his cure isn't perfect, but he refuses to let his patients continue to suffer. That does not stop him. With every operation comes new discoveries which he records in his notebook. This knowledge helps him improve his cure, it's progress.

To combat this disease, he's been given a special ability. He uses this ability to send his patients into a deep 'sleep'. By using the touch of his hands, he can cease all functions of the body. Logically, this means death but he doesn't view it that way. Instead, he views it as a form of anesthesia for his operations. Unfortunately, when patients are too infected to be saved, he uses the ability for euthanasia.

Lately, he's been following an unusual presence of the pestilence that brought him to a town near London. Despite his appearance, no one paid him any mind. His appearance was that of a plague doctor. They seemed to be a common sight during this time. The roads were filled with people as they were purchasing goods from stalls and stores preparing for a grand event.

The doctor's attention turned to a building out in the distance just outside of the town. The pestilence was accumulating in that area. Walking towards the mass, he picked up another presence, an usual presence. He did not sense the pestilence at all from this source, but it was attracting the disease to it. The most peculiar thing is that it was attracting him himself. He felt as if something was beckoning him closer. He never felt anything like it. Since no malice was coming from this presence, he decided to give in to his curiosity and follow this source.

Following the road where the presence was taking him, he noticed the source gradually become stronger. Whatever it was that was pulling him had him experiencing sensations that were new to him. It was a warm feeling that sprung in this chest. He couldn't quite put his finger on it, but it was intoxicating as lavender. It made him feel calm and relaxed.

The sun retired for the day. The doctor settled for the night in a barn that was away from the town. He uses this opportunity to study the notes he's inscribed in his notebook. He writes down the mysterious presence that pulls him as well. He describes the symptoms he's been feeling and his hypothesis of what it could be. He spends the rest of the night in his research while he waits for the new day. 

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