Chapter 12

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Eleanor woke the next morning. There was a commotion in her room. Her ladies-in-waiting came to prepare her for the wedding tonight. They had seen the half eaten bowl of soup on her nightstand and yelled of joy. 

"Look! Lady Eleanor has finally eaten!" One of the younger girls jumped for joy.

Her ladies-in-waiting have always treated her well. Unlike her family, they would often help Eleanor emotionally and physically. On the moments where she would be starved, they would sneak snacks or small bits of food to her so she wouldn't become ill from the lack of food. They also acted as teachers to her whenever Eleanor was curious about things. They always pitied her to having been born in an awful family. 

"My lady, would you like me to bring some tea?" One of the girls asked. 

Eleanor  hesitated, but nodded. She was going to decline but then she remembered the doctor's worry from her starving herself. The girl smiled and walked out of her chambers to fetch her tea.

"Our lady's complexion also looks better! Were you able to sleep my lady? 

Eleanor nodded again. The ladies-in-waiting knew she hasn't been sleeping. The dark circles under her eyes proved it. It was a huge relief to them that their lady's state was improving. 

"My lady, where did you get that flower? It is quite beautiful!" One of the girls cheered.

Eleanor looked over to her side, there was a flower, lavender, that was left in her hand. Becoming more awake, she sat up and looked around the room. The mysterious man was gone. She felt her heart sink, she missed him terribly. She wanted to be in the safety of his embrace. She felt exposed and vulnerable without him, empty.

"It was probably from her fiancé. What a sweet gift! Come now ladies! We must get ready!" An older girl declared. 

Breakfast and tea was brought up for Eleanor. While she still couldn't finish the whole plate, she did manage to eat a good portion of it. This greatly satisfied the girls. After she was done with her meal, the ladies brought Eleanor to the bathing room. A big tub with fresh, hot water was waiting for her. 

As the girls were bathing her, Eleanor's thoughts were filled with the doctor. Where did he go? Will he come back? Why did she confide in him so much? She couldn't understand why she yearned for him so much. She couldn't have these feelings. She was about to be married. 

She was driven to believe that Henry was her love. He would protect her and cherish her, just like he said. But despite his words, she felt uneasy. There was a dark aura surrounding him and it frightened her. 

After her bath, she was brought back to her room. As the afternoon began, some girls started laying out her wedding dress while another was choosing which jewelry would be best. One girl was doing her makeup and another was brushing her long, silky, dark hair. Eleanor was a doll, just letting them do as hey please with her.  

The evening came. Eleanor stood in front of the mirror observing herself. While she can see her reflection, she didn't recognize the woman see was looking at. Her lavish wedding gown adorned with diamonds, jewels, and her hair styled into an intricate braid at the crown of her head. This whole situation didn't feel right. While her ladies-in-waiting were proud of their work, they were completely clueless of her state of being. 

Eleanor's thoughts were still filled with the memory of the night before with the doctor. Even as Her and Henry said their vows and kissed at the ceremony, she thought of a dream she had. She dreamt of being encased in his arms. The doctor gave her a kiss on the forehead that brought peace and warmth to her cold world. When she and Henry kissed at the alter, there was nothing. No sparks, no love, just a wave of fear and ice. 

Currently, she was seated at a table with her husband and her parents. Since the two are now married, she is to move in to Henry's manor. They were discussing the final preparations and finalizing plans. Eleanor was pulled out of her thoughts when Henry took hold of her hands. 

"My love, we are finally together! It truly was meant to be!" Henry lifted her left hand and kissed the ring he placed on her finger. 

Eleanor gave him a weak smile. She needed to be his perfect wife. 

Just then, she felt a mysterious presence. Whatever this presence was, it was calling out to her, beckoning to her. She felt the great urge to go to where this presence was coming from. As she stood, Henry stood as well. 

"My love, it is time for our dance." Henry bowed to her and escorted her towards the center of the crowd. 

All the guests became silent, waiting for the couple to start their performance. A serenade was created by the orchestra and the performance began.  The husband and wife waltzed to the melody of the music and soon the guests joined in. Eleanor was graceful in her movements. Henry was swinging her small figure in a impressive displace. 

During this dance, Henry noticed her distracted state. He was how her eyes wondered around the room, as if looking for something? 

"Does something trouble you, my love?" He asked.

Eleanor was trying to find the source of this presence that was calling to her. She meant to look earlier but that was when Henry dragged her out to the floor. The presence was the same as from the night before. Her heart started to beat faster in hopes she would be able to see the doctor again. She couldn't bring that up to her husband though, not without punishment. 

She shook her head. "Many people" she softly spoke.  

Henry let out a light chuckle. He knew Eleanor never liked parties. It's not a surprise she would be anxious at their wedding with a lot of people. 

"Relax, my dear. Tonight is about us. You have no reason to fear. You are mine." Henry dipped her, bringing her back up to a kiss. 

The crowd cheered the newly weds and congratulated them. Eleanor was by Henry's side for the rest of the celebration. He had kept her close, keeping an arm around her waist. Because of this act, she was unable to leave, to seek out the presence. 

Using the darkness of the night as cover, the doctor looked on. He was stunned by the women who's his eyes caught. She looked beautiful. His own heart began to beat faster as he continued to look on. She was truly a sight. Never he though to describe something, or someone, as beautiful. He so dearly wanted to cherish this girl, but not before he noticed her company. 

The doctor recognized Henry. The man who chased him away. The man who put Eleanor in harms way. The vile man to damaged her. The doctor watched on as Henry danced with her. His disgusting hands roaming her body. When they kissed, it angered him. Those sweet lips were something he terribly missed. 

The doctor was trying to look for an opening to get to Eleanor, but found it to be useless. That bastard had her locked by his side. Henry even didn't notice her current state of health. Even though she wore makeup, the doctor could still see the fatigue in her eyes. Her breathing was small and quick. She clearly should still be resting. Oh, how worried he'd become. 

The doctor surely hoped that she ate today. He knows she was able to sleep yesterday since he watched her rest. At one point, even he fell asleep. It was the first time he slept. He didn't even think it was possible. Perhaps resting with the love of your life was the reason. 

After a couple hours, the ceremony came to an end. Guests were beginning to return homes. Henry went back to his manor alone to confirm all the preparations for her arrival were complete. Her ladies-in-waiting were patiently for their lady to bid goodbye to her husband. The two kissed and Henry departed the manor. Eleanor was escorted back to her room to spend her final night here in her home. 

Meeting the doctor 049 x oc)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang