Chapter 18

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Henry was seated at a table beside the entrance to the balcony. He was looking up to the stars that covered the night sky. He wasn't dressed in his sleep attire. Instead, he wore his military uniform with his rapier sheathed by his side. He had his hands in his lap seeming lost in thought.

He wouldn't go back to sleep until Eleanor returned. After some time, he went looking for her. He thought she was taking far too long to simply get a drink of water. He traveled down to the kitchens and saw a dirty glass in the sink, but she was no where in sight. He searched his manor thinking she might have fallen asleep somewhere without realizing. Coming up to his study, he saw light emitting from the bottom of the closed door. Thinking he found her, he went to open the door, that is, until he heard voices on the other side.

Henry stopped inches from the door, looking at the wood in front of him. He heard a metallic, male voice along with Eleanor's. He recognized that voice. He had been hunting the doctor since that day in the fields. He wants nothing more to end that man that came in between he and his wife. Hearing the doctor approaching the door, Henry quietly made an escape.

Entering back into his room, he changed out of his sleep attire into his uniform. He then made his way back to the study hoping the two would still be there. When he came up to the door he found it locked. Using his rapier, he unsheathed his sword and destroyed the door knob, unlocking the door. Entering the study, he only found Eleanor sleeping on the couch covered with a blanket.

Carefully, he lifted the sleeping beauty into his arms and made his way out of the study. She didn't wake nor stir indicating she was in a deep sleep. Henry made his way down the halls, down the stairs, and down below ground. He walked until he reached his destination of the dungeon cells.

The cell he entered was not a typical one where they usually consisted of brick, hay, and chains. This cell in particular looked more like a bedroom than a cell. The floor was covered in hard wood, there was a large bed that was decorated with luxurious sheets, a wardrobe, and a vanity. The biggest detail about this cell was the color white. There was no other color in that cell. The bed sheets, furnishing, everything was the color white.

Henry places Eleanor on the bed. His face showed no emotion. He sat beside her making the bed dip due to his weight. He moves his hand down her face. His touch continues down her neck, to her chest, down her body, and stops at her ankles. He reaches to the floor and gets a chain and attaches it to her right ankle. After the chain is secured, he stands and leaves the cell.

He walks back towards his bedroom and sits at a small table next to the balcony. His mind fills with thoughts of Eleanor.  He wonders why she keeps choosing the doctor over him. He could give her whatever her heart desires. He has looks, strength, he viewed himself as the perfect man any woman could want. Yet, she chooses a man who doesn't even show his face. Henry thought of the doctor as a coward.

Henry was done trying to woo her. He tried to be patient, loving, caring to her in thinking that she was still under amnesia. He chuckles to himself for being so naive. If she wouldn't come to him willingly, then he had no other choice but to lock her up. He worked hard to obtain her and wasn't going to let her slip away easily. He would break her until she fully submitted herself to him. He would claim her until she had no other choice but to love him.

He was pulled out of his thoughts by the sound of the doors opening. He turned to see the doctor standing in from of him. His gloved hands formed into fists. Henry smiled at the angry Doctor.

"I should thank you. You saved me the trouble of hunting you. You've been a nuisance to my marriage. I do know a few women who would suit your liking. If you wish I can introduce you." Henry's eyes piercing the doctor, eager for the kill.

"No thank you. Though, I must correct you. Your marriage itself is a nuisance. It was not of mutual consent. Instead, you forced a dame to marriage through influence and power. Your crude behavior is in no way acceptable in the way you've treated her." The doctor was seething. A red glow began emitting from his eyes.

Henry stood from his chair, gripping it which such force that his knuckles turned white. "That is life. No marriage is of consent. What does a woman's feeling matter? They have no use other than to serve us men. Eleanor, however, is someone I truly desire. I wanted her affection but you took that away from me. Her heart was supposed to be mine to cherish, love, and crush." The chair that he gripped shattered. "I will not have you stand in my way any longer. Tonight is the end of your existence. I will take back what you have stolen from me." Henry unsheathed his rapier, aiming it towards the doctor.

"There is no hope for you. The pestilence has reached you beyond levels that I am unable to cure. You must be euthanized. As a doctor, I offer my most sincere apologies, but, as a man, I am more than happy to deliver your death."

The air suddenly became cold. The wind stopped as stillness took over the room. The silence had one hearing their own heartbeat, hearing the rushing of blood through their veins. One breath was taken as both waited for one to make the first move. Henry was tired of this game. He's waited so long to claim Eleanor and was not going to wait any longer. Running out of patience, he made the first move.

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