Chapter 9

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When Eleanor awoke, she found herself strapped to her bed. Her wrists and legs were bound to the bed posts. She looked down at her body, now wearing a night gown. She was covered in wraps and bandages. It hurt to breath since sustaining injuries from her mother. She felt light headed and weak. She guessed that a doctor must have come by during her slumber to patch her up. If only it was her doctor.

"Good afternoon, darling." She heard from beside her.

    She wanted to vomit. "Henry." She hated this man with the most sincere passion.

    "Now is that how you speak to your savior? You should be thanking me for saving you from that monster!" He said with a dramatic tone.

    "The only monster I see here is you!" Eleanor struggled to free herself from the restraints. "Release me this instance!"

    "I am afraid I cannot, darling. Doctor's orders." Henry blankly said while sipping a cup of tea. "Fear not, it will not be long until you are cured."

    "Excuse me! I am perfectly fine! I-ahh!" A strong wave of pain shot through her chest, where her broken ribs were.

    "Now darling, do not over exert yourself. I need to you heal as fast as you can for our wedding. I would not want you to be in pain for the whole time." Henry went to stroke her hair.

    The doctor and her mother walked in. The doctor was some old man carrying a bag. Eleanor recognized this man. This was the family doctor. He would often be summoned when she or someone in the family got sick. His name was Dr. William.

    "Oh dear." Dr. William dropped off his equipment at a nearby table and walked over to Eleanor.  "Eleanor dear, it pains me to see you in so much misery. I promise to bring you to health as fast as I can!"

    Eleanor couldn't help but so frown. She didn't want to be treated by him. She wanted the doctor. Her lover. She wanted nothing but to be with him, assist with his work in pestilence, be in the warmth of his arms.

    "Dear doctor, aside from her physical injuries she's sustained, I am afraid that devil also brainwashed my child. Please doctor, I need my sweet Eleanor back. She was to be married in a month but I do not think that is possible with her current condition." Her mother was pleading with Dr. William, the fake tears were as real to the doctor as a mother caring for her child.

    Eleanor was seething. This wasn't the first time her mother used this act in front of people. "Lies! He did nothing wrong! I am injured because of you, mother!"

    "Shhhh it is okay now, darling. You are safe now." Her mother soothed. She went to hug her daughter and, in doing so, she squeezed a broken rib which caused Eleanor to yelp in pain.

"Please doctor, save my daughter!" Mother looked at the doctor with teary eyes. Manipulation was her mother's sixth sense. It wasn't difficult to sway the doctor she had know for so long. Dr. William always viewed the family as loving and compassionate. He was utterly clueless to the abuse and mistreatment Eleanor was experiencing.

"Do not fear, my lady. I shall begin the young lady's treatment immediately!" Dr. William announced.

A few nurses started to walk into the room. They and Dr. William started setting up their medical equipment.

"With your permission, my lady, there are treatments I would like to utilize-"

"Do what you will. You have my full confidence" Eleanor's mother interrupted him.

"Certainly. I thank you, my lady."

Eleanor was struggling the whole time. She ignored the pain from her chest and continued to free herself.

"I am not sick!! She is lying to you! Release me!!!" Eleanor yelled out.

"Oh dear, it seems she has become frantic." Henry said from his chair. "I do not wish for her to suffer. Is there any anesthetic she can have, doctor? I fear she may become more traumatized from the treatment."

"Certainly, Lord Wells."

Dr. William took out a syringe and bottle containing anesthetics from his bag. While preparing the injection, Eleanor began to thrash out resulting in a couple of nurses holding her down. After removing the air bubbles from the syringe, Dr. William started to approach Eleanor.

"My apologies, dear." Dr. William felt bad for the young lady, but it's what the family wants.

With two nurses keeping Eleanor still, Dr. William injected the serum into her neck.

"AHHH!" Eleanor screamed out.

After the injection was done, the nurses released her. The anesthetic worked fast. Soon, Eleanor started to feel numb. Her limbs became too heavy to left. While the anesthetic was a numbing agent, it kept her awake. She could only move her eyes at this point, entering a sleep-paralysis like state. Soon, she became trapped within her own body with her thoughts.

Somewhere in the lands of Belgium, the doctor. who was reading his book, felt a sense of emptiness. The feeling in his chest became dark. Despite working non-stop, he'd only treated and cured four patients. The pestilence in this town was quite abnormal. It would take several days to preform the surgery before the doctor would start to see the results he wanted.

He cursed the pestilence. That damned disease. Why must it spread it's evil to the innocent? He couldn't allow it to win, for if it did, he would never be reunited with Eleanor. Closing his eyes, he took in a breath of a fresh breeze. The smell of lavender instantly reminded him of her. He thought of the warmth of her body in his arms. Her sleek and soft dark hair flowing with the breeze. The night's they would spend in the flower fields under the moon light. She'd take naps using him as a pillow. This made him giggle. He never minded it though. Her sleeping form against him made him feel at peace.

There was one night in particular, after finishing several operations, the doctor took her to a clearing he found in the forest that had a small body of water. He was entranced by the look in her eyes. Since Eleanor told him she had barely left her manor due her parents keeping her locked up, he had an idea to show her a place he had discovered.

Eleanor was in complete aw at the landscape in front of her. The light from the moon only enhanced the beauty of the clearing. The water was perfectly calm, reflecting the moon in it's great entirety. The doctor approached her, observing her beautiful sate. He reached for her hand, gently taking it with great care, and kneeled down to one knee.

"Mon amour, puis-je avoir cette danse?" (My love, may I have this dance?)

Eleanor was stunned by the doctor's sudden gestor. Her smile grew out of pure happiness she came to have with the doctor.


With that, the doctor rose and went into position and her the same. Taking the lead, he began the duo. Even though there was no music, everything was perfect. The dance that they were preforming was the same dance they did when they met for the first time, at the ball.

The doctor carried her with great care, afraid that one mistake would shatter her. Both experienced sweet bliss. To the doctor, it was like all the pestilence had disappeared and the world was finally at peace. He would finally be able to enjoy his life with Eleanor knowing that the danger would never harm his lover. Unfortunately, this peace was momentary.

Coming back to reality, he began to miss her dearly. He had to get this abnormal pestilence under control. He had too. For the sake of her.

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