Chapter 14

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Eleanor was bewildered by the sudden act. Yes they both enjoying dancing with one another, but she didn't expect to dance during this moment. She allowed the doctor to lead like she always does, but this time, she let him take full control. She was too overwhelmed by her emotions to focus on the pattern of steps. In fact, this was a different dance.

At first she stumbled a few times since she was unfamiliar with the foot pattern. The doctor didn't seem to mind though. He just continued as if nothing happened. Eventually, Eleanor became irritated with herself at the amount of mistakes she was making. Annoyed, she decided to focus on the dance. In turn, this provided a great distraction from her negative thoughts.

The doctor was patient with her. He knew that it would only be so long until Eleanor figured out that this was not their usual dance. He let out a chuckle when she made a face of unamusement. She pouted at his reaction, causing him to chuckle more. Being observant, she was able to learn the movements fairly quickly. Soon, the two began to dance comfortably, no stumbles and no mistakes.

After the doctor and Eleanor finished their dance, he led her by hand to her bed and began to tuck her in. He settled himself in a chair at the bedside. Now that she was able to collect herself, she was able to communicate want she wanted. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"I want to go with you. I'm a fool for not taking the chance before. Please, take me away." Eleanor's desperation was at it's peak.

The doctor took hold of her skinny hands. "Dear, I would love nothing more than to whisk you away, but you are far too weak. If we were to leave now, I fear your health would digress even more than it already has." He circled his thumb on the palm of her hand.

"Then I will eat more. I will drink more. I will make my health my top priority. I will do whatever it takes. When my health improves, then will you take me away?" She sat up, pleading to him with her big, green eyes.

"Of course." The doctor leaned in to place a kiss on her forehead. "But before then, you must rest. You are my patient now. As a doctor, it is my purpose to care for my patients until they are well again, even more so that you are my lover." He lightly squeezed her hand.

She smiled. "My lover." She squeezed his hands in return.

A warm feeling started blooming in her chest. Her cheeks became blushed. She couldn't help  but feel grateful for the mysterious presence that guided them together. She knew he was special since first locking eyes at her coming of age ball. She was happy that he felt the same.

"I will do my best to recover quickly. Even if it means staying with Henry for a while longer." She sighed. "It will be difficult. I will have to hide my emotions. I must continue as if I as still under memory loss or I fear he will use the same tactics as before." She shook at the thought, afraid.

"He will not. I will make sure of this." He took her into his embrace, soothing her. "As much as I dislike this arrangement, there is really no other option. Only for a little longer. After that, you'll be all mine, that is, if you still desire me." The doctor became nervous at the last part. As much as he loved her, he couldn't bring himself to force her to be with him, no matter how much he desired it.

Eleanor took his hands to her chest, placing them over her beating heart. "I do, my love. Very much so."

He leaned in to give her a kiss. Her smooth lips were becoming addictive to him. It was like she herself was the essence of lavender. Whenever their lips connected, the taste of lavender consumed him. His being wanted nothing more than to bathe in this feeling of ecstasy.

They stayed with each other for a while longer before Eleanor could no longer stay awake. After all the events that happened earlier that day, she was long over her limit of energy. Her emotional moment earlier was the final straw that completely drained her. Soon, her breathing became even as she drifted off into the world of dreams.

The doctor stayed with her for hours after she fell asleep. He used his time to look over his notes in his journal. He had made many observations during the wedding. The guests were all infected with the pestilence. The worst case was the groom. The man's presence was overflowing with the illness. So much so that that guests were feeding into the negative energy. This greatly worried the doctor since Eleanor was surrounded by it. He was afraid that she too would catch the infection.

Luckily, Eleanor was left untouched by the pestilence. But that could not be said the same physically. Watching his lover being kissed by another man angered him. The same man that threatened her safety before. The groom. It disgusted him in the way he would touch her. His grip on her would be harsh and forceful. She should have been treated with delicacy and care, especially in her current state.

When the doctor realized that Eleanor was looking for him by the way she stood from her chair and looking around the area for him, it brought him joy. Even during her arranged wedding, she still sought him out, even if she didn't quite remember him yet. However, the warm feeling was cut short when the groom stood as well pulled her back into his grasp, eliminating the chance to part from him. It was clear to the doctor that the groom wanted complete control over her.

The doctor looked over to his lover, sleeping peacefully. She wasn't meant for this fate. She had potential that would be wasted by staying in her current situation. He thought of her as a butterfly, her wings were meant to explore. It angered him that her wings were nearly clipped. He would not allow that to happen. He would do whatever it takes to protect the sweet lavender.

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