Chapter 7

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Eleanor was in the family room along with her mother and father. They wanted to discuss her potential partners. She felt guilty since developing feelings for the peculiar doctor. It wasn't right to do this. 

"I certainly didn't expect so many choices for my daughter's hand." Her father said taking a sip of tea.

"I'm not surprised. We have raised the finest after all." Her mother smiled while also drinking tea.

Eleanor held in her tongue. She didn't appreciate being talked about like an object.

"Of course. Now, why don't we get straight to business? I have an audience with the groom and his family." Her father straightened himself. "Eleanor my daughter, I am pleased to announce a decision has been made in regards to your betrothed.  I hereby declare lord Henry Wells as your husband to be. You are to serve him well."

Eleanor's stomach dropped. Her eyes went wide and her breathing stopped. Do they jest? This certainly wasn't funny.

"Mother, Father, have you not heard the rumors? That man is despicable! He is a known womanizer! This must be a mistake!" Eleanor spat.  She could not hold her in anger, her disappointment.  "Nothing good will come from this! He will embarrass our family reputation! Please I ask you re-think this decision."

Eleanor was met with a sudden slap to her face by her mother, knocking her to the floor. Her mother was seething. 

"There are no mistakes. How dare you question our decision. You should be grateful. Henry is the next in line to take over military affairs in office. He has shown great potential as a leader and as a groom. I will not allow for more disrespect from you. Also, " Her mother picked up a couple books from the table behind her. Books that Eleanor thought she hid from them. "No more of this foolishness." She watched as her mother threw the books into the chimney, consumed by fire.

Eleanor stayed silent. She wouldn't dare cry in front of her parents. They hate tears. Her parents had no idea what monster he truly was. Even if they did, it wouldn't matter. As long as he had power and influence, there was nothing she could do to change their minds. She was raised since birth to obey her parent's. She didn't know how not to. 

Eleanor stood up and straightened herself. "I apologize for my outburst." She curtseyed to her parents. "I will prepare myself for my future husband."

Her mother called in her servants "Escort Eleanor to her room. She is to be on house arrest until her wedding. She will only have tea. No food."

Eleanor's servants escorted her to her room afterwards, they felt pity for the poor girl. Eleanor stayed silent until she entered her chambers. She collapsed on the floor letting her tears fall. She no longer had the comfort of her books. She was so sure they would never be found. If she were to run away, would she be found as well? But where would she go? She would be alone. No. She had the doctor.  She needed to think. She needed to get out of the manor. Once night had fallen, Eleanor had left her home via a window in search of comfort from the doctor. Unfortunately, this attempt did not go unnoticed.

The doctor was seated at a table looking over his notes. He couldn't concentrate. He'd been feeling Eleanor's distress. He wanted to go to her. To ease her troubles. Then he felt it. She was approaching him.

The doctor quickly put away his notes and took off. He needed to see if she was okay. It wasn't long before they met each other in front of a tavern. The moment Eleanor met his eyes she broke down. The doctor pulled her into his chest with a tight hug. Her sadness weighed heavily on his soul.

The doctor led her to a flower field he had become familiar with. They sat under a tree where they both could see the ocean of stars above. 

"My love, what troubles you?" The doctor stroked her hair.

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