Chapter 6

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The next morning, Eleanor's thoughts were in a frenzy. She didn't mean to kiss him, or at least that's what she thinks. The connection they both share had taken over her sense of self. She's only known the doctor for a few days. The poor girl was panicking throughout the day thinking about her next encounter with him. She didn't want him to think of her as a tramp. She really enjoys being with the doctor. Her face flushed thinking about the kiss. While it wasn't her intention, she did enjoy it. 

The doctor's thoughts were in a frenzy as well. He was bewildered that he would ever do such a act. He's never experienced a kiss before. When he kissed Eleanor, he felt something strange within himself. He thought of her soft lips as a warm sensation was growing in his being. Thinking about it made him want more. He felt embarrassed even thinking such thoughts. She is his first student he's ever taken on. He was pondering what had gotten into him. Just before their moment, he felt a irresistible pull that demanded a kiss. He would have to beg for her forgiveness later, assuming she would return.

The night comes down to cover the landscape. The doctor already has a few patients waiting for him, but first, he gathers flowers. Lavender to be exact. Before anything, he needed to ask for Eleanor's forgiveness for his unprofessional act. He didn't want to ruin the relationship he has with her. Luckily, it's not long before Eleanor shows up with a flushed face. 

"Eleanor darling, my most sincere apologies about my inappropriate behavior from the night before." The doctor rushes out in one breath before Eleanor has a chance to speak, presenting her with flowers.

"P-pardon?" Eleanor stumbles. "Please forgive me, but you are not at fault! I am the one who should be begging forgiveness!" She bows to him, afraid to look at him.

The doctor approaches her and engulfs her into an embrace. "Eleanor, please forgive my insolence."

It took her a moment to calm herself before she returned his embrace "Only if you forgive mine."

Afterwards, they head towards where the patients are waiting to be treated. Both were still shy about their shared kiss but tried to hide it. Eleanor cursed her heart for beating so quickly. Her face would flush whenever she looked at his direction. On the other hand,  the doctor felt nervous in her presence. He felt his body temperature increase causing him to sweat. 

 During the operation, the doctor was finding hard to concentrate. His distractions were caused by the woman in front of him. He admitted to himself that he wanted another kiss, but he didn't want her to think of him as a shameful man.

Eleanor was trying to best to observe and note the doctor's operation, but she too couldn't deny the desire to kiss him again. Even their touches had become electric. Earlier when she was helping him set up his medical tools, their hands briefly touched and induced a sensation that was euphoric. Eleanor could still feel her heart beating in her chest.

The operation was concluded, but unfortunately the patients had to be euthanized. The pestilence was far to much in control of their bodies. The doctor and Eleanor were cleaning up his medical tools using the sink he found in the kitchen. Both were quiet. During the clean up, a scalpel slipped and cut Eleanor on her hand.

"Ah! Oh dear." As she rushes over to the table to find a cloth, the doctor stops her, gently grabbing her arm.

"Please, allow me to tend to you." He pulls her over to a chair and kneels in front of her. He was cleaning up the wound making sure she would not catch an infection. During this time, the sparks that they had both felt were overwhelming. It was impossible to ignore at this point.

"Eleanor" The doctor held her injured hand to his chest "I do not know what is wrong with me. Please, do not think of me as a shameful person. I can not help but to desire you, beyond an apprentice, desire you more. These strange emotions that I feel in your presence, I wish to experience them with you for as long as I am able. Please, ma cherie, do you feel these emotions too?" He looks deep into her shinning, green eyes. It was clear he already got his answer.

"Doctor, I do also feel these emotions. The emotions I feel are called love." She blushes "I thought they were inappropriate thoughts, but to hear you hold the same desire as I, is it possible that I'm dreaming?"

"If it is a dream, I will only give you the most happiest of them. Then when we wake up, I will shower you with all I have. I swear to protect you from harm and keep you from danger. I will remain by your side as long as you live. Eleanor, will you have me as your lover?"

Eleanor gasped at the sudden question. She could feel the heat in her cheeks increasing. She looked into his dark eyes and said "I will only if you promise to be there with me when I wake up from this glorious dream."

With that, they sealed their relationship with another passionate kiss. Their lips were dancing in a wonderful harmony. They pull each other into a tight embrace that left no room between them. They both fell into their own world of bliss.

From this point on, the two began to frequently meet each other, falling deeper into their love. Eleanor became more comfortable with the doctor and his work. She wondered why she wasn't bothered by this mysterious being. Perhaps it's because he's shown her more kindness and affection than her own family? The doctor himself began to enjoy her presence more and more. Each night they part ways becomes more difficult.

Unfortunately, as the months passed by, Eleanor started to lack in her duties at home. Her mother noticed a decline of her concentration and quality of her studies. This had caused a series of repeated punishments. At these times, the doctor would notice her ill state from starvation or visible bruises she'd receive from her mother. He would always tend to her with such care. He would try to persuade her to stay with him, but she couldn't.

When the fall season arrived, they both were so deeply in love with each other that Eleanor had forgotten she was going to be betrothed to another. That is, until her parents had called for her attention.

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