Chapter 13

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Eleanor's ladies-in-waiting were helping her take off her wedding dress, jewelry, and other accessories. Eleanor did admit to herself that she felt much more lighter now that she was in her night gown. The whole outfit was weighing her down, literally.

After she was settled, the girls left her alone in her room. They went back to their own quarters to prepare themselves to move with her to Henry's manor tomorrow. Eleanor didn't have to do anything. Everything would be handled for her. All to do now is wait.

Eleanor once again approached her window. She sat at the nook and looked out to the clear night sky. The moon was bright and beautiful. The breeze was refreshing. She was disappointed that she wasn't able to follow the presence she felt earlier. The pull was so strong, it made her heart ache.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, trying to calm her mind. That's when she noticed the presence was still here. There was still a chance to find it. This ignited a fire within her that gave her motivation. She could tell it was near since, currently, the pull was strong. She stood up, looking out the window. All she could see was the lights from the garden and two guards stationed just below her. She went to turn around, bumping into a hard surface. She would have fallen if it weren't for an arm wrapping around her waist, steading her. Dazed, she looked up to see who it was that she bumped into. Her eyes widened, a smile creped up on her lips. It was him.

"My apologies if I startled you, darling."

The doctor's metallic, smooth voice brought butterflies in her stomach. This is where the mysterious presence is coming from.

"You were quite the sight today, my love. It moved me tremendously." He said, brushing some of her hair out of her face with his gloved fingers.

He then placed his fingers under her chin, tilting her head to make direct eye contact.

"Dear, have your memories still not returned?" He asked in a sad tone.

Eleanor shook her head. The feeling of recognition was there, but the memories were still absent. She knew he was being truthful. The feelings of affection were something that was hard to ignore.

Cupping her cheek, he leaned in. "Not to worry, we can always make new ones."

This made her really happy, that is, only for a moment.

"M-my apologies, but it is impossible now. I am married." She softly spoke.

Her voice resonated with his soul. It has been so long since he's heard her voice that his warmed him to the core. This too was short lived. Taking in her words, he wondered why she was fated to a terrible human.

"You do not love him." Was what the doctor said.

Eleanor did not deny that fact. The marriage was only out of political power. Henry was a powerful man with great influence, but she did not love him.

Still encased in his grasp, she leaned in closer to him, burying her head in his chest.

"You are right. I do not." A blush made an appearance on her face. "I ... enjoy your embrace." She hesitated.

He caressed her long hair, enjoying her bashfulness. "I very much enjoy a lovely lady like yourself in my embrace."

The doctor pulled out of the embrace to clasp her hands. The redness on her cheeks had been a prize, knowing he was the one who caused it.

The doctor pulled her along to her bed to give her an examination. Her state of exhaustion had him worried. Now that her make up was cleaned off, it was even more apparent. Even though she did sleep the night before, it was not enough to remove the bags from under her eyes. When the two embraced, the doctor could feel her boney structure which meant she still needs more nourishment. If only he could take her. He would have to be patient. His first priority would be to bring her back to health.

"Darling, when was the last time you've eaten?" The doctor asked.

"This morning." she tensed up. "I'm sorry."

This took the doctor by surprise. "My love, why do you apologize? You have done nothing wrong. You never have."

Something sparked in her mind. During her 'rehabilitation', the nurses and her mother would constantly strike her whenever she did something wrong, even if she didn't know. She began crying, a heavy shower of tears coating her face.

Why did his words strike so strongly? From the moment she learned to talk, she's been constantly told what she thought was right was actually wrong. A girl should not run. A girl should not play. A young lady must not be educated. A woman will only learn the duties of a housewife. No one supported her. She was always alone. Even when she would secretly attend lectures at the Nightingale School of Nursing, she was not accepted. The majority student population were men. Woman were never taken seriously and would often be placed in the back of the class making it difficult to see the notes that were written on the board.

Then it clicked. There was only one person that supported her. The only person that didn't force society's standards onto her. Instead, they embraced her curiosity. They taught her things she wasn't allowed to learn. They allowed her to run and play in the fields despite being a grown woman. They gave her strength to do things she's always wanted to do. It was the doctor. The doctor.

Eleanor was disappointed in herself. How could she forget her dear doctor? He who showed her freedom. He who taught her the work of pestilence. He whom she loved. She thought of herself as weak. He was the reason she wanted to fight against the people she called family. The reason she could spread her wings.

The doctor felt the negative feelings she had about herself and immediately wrapped his arms around her fragile figure. Her breathing became erratic and her tears were overflowing.

"Eleanor dear, what-"

She pulled herself away from him. "You're wrong! I have made a great mistake! I have forgotten the one who I love most in this world. I have done something wrong!" She breathed out. "I am a terrible person! I have done nothing but mistakes! I myself am a mistake! I-"

The doctor pulled her back into his arms and sealed their lips together. Caught off guard for a moment, she melted into the sweet, passionate kiss. The doctor could not bare to hear her talk about herself in such a terrible way. This was the only way to stop her from slandering herself.

He pulled away and rested his forehead on top of hers. "No, mon amour. You are the one who is wrong. I will not allow you to speak of yourself in a way that is untrue. You are the lavender that brings calmness to my being. The sun that warms my soul. The princess who I yearn. You are by no means terrible and certainly not a mistake."

He used his gloved fingers to wipe away the tears from her emerald eyes. Eleanor was speechless. Truly, this was the reason she loved him. He never seemed to find her at fault for anything. He would always encourage her to try new things. But why? Why did he do so much for her? She was snapped out of her thoughts when the doctor suddenly lifted her off the bed and pulled her to the center of her bedroom.

"Puis-je avoir cette danse, mon amour?"

(May I have this dance, my love?)

Eleanor's heart fluttered when the doctor kneeled in front of her and held out his hand. As if on autopilot, she gladly accepted as there was no way she would ever refuse him. Standing up, the two positioned themselves as the doctor lead the waltz. This would forever be their dance as this was how they first met.

All of the bad thoughts disappeared, replaced with tenderness, affection, and admiration. The two went into their own world, entranced by one other. The doctor's plan to distract Eleanor of her negative thoughts worked.

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