Chapter 16

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a/n This chapter may be triggering to some readers. 

Away from the manor, Henry is sitting in his military office reading up on reports. Since his officers notified him of the doctor's escape, he made it his top priority to find and eliminate him. He couldn't risk Eleanor potentially discovering him and restoring her memories. He worked too hard to turn her into an obedient wife.

He ordered officers to be stationed at the borders in hopes that the doctor would be spotted returning, but this has so far been unsuccessful. There have been no reports on his reappearance. To Henry, if the doctor was still alive, he wanted him dead.

Henry thought about Eleanor. He admitted to himself that he misses her feistiness. She was the only one who would throw insults at him. The faces she would make at him when no one was looking were amusing. She was truly unique. He thought of it was a blessing to have a wife as beautiful as her cater to his every will and need. He truly did have all the finer things in the world. Henry looks over to his window. The sun set a while ago and the stars were making their routine appearance. 

'I wonder what she is doing now. Is she in bed? Is she waiting for me?' His thoughts were racing.  Just the thought about her lying in bed beckoning him to join her had him pack up his reports and exiting his office. He told the carriage driver to make a rush.  

Immediately after arriving at his manor, he search for Eleanor began. He checked the living rooms, dinning area, anywhere where she might be. He ended up walking into one of her ladies-in-waiting. The young girl informed him that Eleanor was in their room. He rushed over to their quarters in hopes that his wish would come true.

Henry stopped in front of double doors that lead to the bedroom he and Eleanor now shared. He focused on steadying his breath. He could only imagine what sight was hiding behind the doors.  Readying himself, he turned the knobs and opened the doors.

Eleanor was asleep. She had her back turned towards him. Her hair was splayed out across her pillow. Her breaths were deep and steady. Henry was disappointed with this outcome but was amazed by the scene. The light from the moon was giving her a glow that showed her radiance. Henry began to approach her.

He climbed into bed, careful not to wake her. He stroked her long dark hair. He has never felt hair so soft and smooth. Admiring her face, he strode his hand down her cheek. This caused her to stir but continued to sleep. He thought her skin felt so exquisite. He wanted to feel more but was unable to go lower since Eleanor was wearing her full nightgown that covered her legs, arms, and neck.

Having Eleanor displayed in front of him in this position made him question his self control. He told her earlier that he would restrain himself. The question was how long? What if she keeps him waiting? Eventually his patience will run out. When that time comes, he will have to take control. He's already claimed her lips. Soon, he would claim everything.

In the dream world, Eleanor is running away from someone. Her body covered with bruises and blood stained her nightgown. The darkness made it difficult to see. The broken chains around her feet were rattling, revealing her location to her pursuer. Suddenly, she was pulled back causing her to fall to the ground. Her pursuer climbs over her, completely cover her small body. She claws and strikes them but they don't seemed fazed. Her captor grabs both of her wrists and secures them above her head using cuffs. They drag her back to the wall where the chains connect to the cuffs. She tries her hardest to break free from the retrains but her struggle proves to be useless.

A hand roughly grabs her chin. They force her to turn their direction. With no hesitation, they crash their lips onto hers. The kiss was rough and painful. She seals her lips to prevent them entry. Angering this person, they begin to bite, poke, and prod her. 

Tears fall down her cheeks. Her captor brings themselves to her face, licking her tears. She whimpers through her sealed lips. They loose patience and rips off her gown, exposing her bare body. Their hands wonder every area of her skin.  Eleanor pulls against the the cuffs on her wrists desperately attempting to fight back. She hears her captor fidgeting with their belt buckle. They position themselves in between her legs.

Eleanor jolts awake in a cold sweat. Her breaths are heavy. Her rapid heartbeat feels like it's about to burst from her chest. She quickly looks around her room, realizing she just had a nightmare. She closes her eyes to calm herself, focusing on steadying her breathing. Henry, who is sleeping beside her, wakes from the commotion.

"Eleanor? What's wrong? Is there danger nearby?" Henry rubs his right eye, voice heavy from sleep.

"N-no. I apologize. Please rest. May I please go to the kitchen for some water?" she asked through her rough voice.

"Yes, do as you please." Henry quickly falls back asleep.

Eleanor got up from the bed and steps into the hallway. The bright light from the moon lit up her path down to the first floor. The cold surface under her feet helped her ground herself. Entering the kitchen, she quickly gets herself a glass of water, nearly choking from the amount of water she took in.

She hugs herself in an attempt to feel safe but the nightmare haunts her. She sinks to the floor as tears fall down her face as she cries out for her doctor, desperate for his protection. She hugs her knees and tucks her head in to make herself small. As if hearing her plea, the connection they shared sparked. 

Wasting no time, Eleanor quickly stands and rushes towards the source. The lack of light within the manor reminds her of the person who was chasing her in her dream. She picks up her pace out of fear. She rushes past a few rooms until she reaches her destination, where the connections feels the most strong. 

She opens the door and finds that she entered the study. There's a desk in front of the window overlooking the lands. The connection lead her to the person who was occupying the desk. Sitting on the chair, they turn around, extending their arms to her. Her tears return as she jumps into the arms of her dearest doctor.  


I'm going to be editing this week so next chapter might be delayed. Also, thanks for checking out my story! It means a lot! 

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