Chapter 5

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Slowly, Eleanor opens her eyes. She finds herself laying on her side in bed. The room she's in is unfamiliar. She looks around confused until her eyes land on the doctor who is sitting at her bedside reading a small book. The doctor looks up, meeting her questioning eyes.

"Good, you are awake. You made me worried." The doctor took a breath of relief. "Are you feeling better?"

Moments passed as memories came rushing back to Eleanor. She quickly sat up, startling the doctor causing him to reach for her just in case she were to fall over. She stood and backed away from him, still shocked by the prior events.

"What happened to that man? What did you do? You touched him and he collapsed." Tears were forming in her eyes as the picnic set in.

The doctor stood, slowly approaching her so as not to frighten her more. Cautiously, he clasped her hand into his.

"I have been gifted with a special ability. My touch can send one into a state of unconsciousness, though, only when I wish for it." The doctor gives her hands a gentle squeeze. "The operation was not successful. The disease still remained within him. I do not want my patients to suffer anymore than they have. I had no choice but to euthanize him. "My most sincere apologies if my methods disturb you. It is not my intention."

His physical touch once again calmed her. Because of this, she was able to clear her thoughts and listen to the doctor's explanation. It's not that she was afraid of him, rather, she just didn't understand. Any other person would see this as murder, but she knows that's not the case.

"My lady, please, speak to me. Are you in distress?" The doctor grows nervous as her silence continues.

Eleanor shakes her head. "My apologies, it's just, I have never seen this before. Nothing really. You are different. I do admit, I am hesitant, but I know you have good intentions. I rarely leave my home, so it's a lot to take in." She gives him a small smile, squeezing his hand in return.

A blush made its way to his hidden face. He didn't understand why this girl captivated him so much. Then a thought popped up. He was nervous, afraid she would reject him. Somehow, he knew that was not going to happen. After contemplating a bit more, he brought her hands up to his mask.

Eleanor's curiosity peaked. The mask he wore felt like bone. It felt smooth to touch. Whether it was a mask or his actual face did not bother her. Then it occurred to her that her servants were talking about a serial killer.

"Have you treated other patients as well?" She asks, letting her hands down from his face.

"Yes. I have treated many patients these past few days. Unfortunately, they too did not take the cure well and were euthanized. I apologize if I frighten you."

Eleanor felt his worry. The doctor looked away from her. Though having met the day before, he was consumed by her. It was the first time he cared about someone's opinion on him. He would do anything to keep her favor. Eleanor clasped her hand in his, startling him.

"Do not worry." She gives him a warm smile. "I do wish to continue to learn, that is, if you don't mind." She blushes, looking towards the ground.

The doctor grasps her chin, moving her to face him.

"It would be my pleasure, my lady." He brings her hand up to his hidden lips, placing a kiss.

Sparks erupt from her hand. His kiss felt warm and loving, something she's craved. Her face blushes at his affection. As she tries to hide her embarrassment with her hands, she realizes there is something on her cheek.

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