Chapter 15

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It has been several days since Eleanor moved in. Being in the enemy's territory made her tense. She was thankful that her ladies-in-waiting came along with her so she at least had people she could trust. She was mostly afraid that Henry would force her into activities she wasn't  ready for. Until she escapes this terrible place, she must play along as the submissive wife he thinks he created.

Today, Henry had invited her out for a walk in the gardens. She was nervous about being alone with him without the guards present. Her mind kept replaying the memory from years ago, the forced kiss. She had to force herself to relax. Luckily, nothing has yet to happen, but that didn't mean she would let her guard down so easily.

The two eventually stopped at a small pond within the manor grounds. Eleanor took a few more steps to increase the distance between them. She had her back to him using her parasol to hide, pretending to observe the fish in the pond. As much as it disgusted her to be alone with him, she had to keep up the act.

"Eleanor dear, do you enjoy the garden?" Henry asked as he approached her.

She turned to face him and gave a small smile. "Yes." she said quietly.

"It is yours then. You may do whatever your heart wishes with it." Henry wrapped an arm around her waist. "As much as I would love to enjoy this outing with you, I do have to return to work. But before that, there is something I wish to discuss with you."

"Oh dear. Did I do something wrong?" She nervously asked, clutching the handle of the parasol.

"Nothing of the sort, darling. I wanted to discuss our marital duties. I'm aware you've just finished your rehabilitation treatment after going through such an awful experience."

Eleanor swallowed the anger that was building up. He was the reason she had to go through that awful experience.

'Deep breaths Eleanor. Stay calm.' She thought to herself.

"As we have the rest of our lives together, I will not force you into acts you are not comfortable with. I will remain patient until you are ready to complete your purpose as my wife."

She felt sick to her stomach. 'That day will never come.'

"However, I will say it will be difficult." He placed his hand under her chin to bring her closer to his face. "Love, you are too beautiful to be left untouched. I am eager to explore. I yearn for the day you allow me to plant my seed within you. To have your body grow my child, it is challenging." Henry's grip around her waist hardened. "But for you, I will restrain myself."

Eleanor has never hated anyone with such passion. How dare he say these hypocritical words. He is truly disguising. She quickly swallowed the lump in her throat again. She has to remain calm.

"Thank you, dear." She quietly responded and gave him another small smile.

Henry closed the gap between them and his lips roughly crushed hers in a suffocating way. She had to allow him to believe she was a submissive wife. No matter how much she loathed this moment, she had to take it, at least for now.

After their little talk, the two walked back to the main grounds together. Henry gave her a farewell kiss and set off to his work. Eleanor stayed in the garden a while longer, opting to explore the garden more. Luckily, since the garden was part of the Wells' manor, it was surrounded by tall gates to keep intruders out. It also meant to keep the people within contained.

Because of this, she didn't need to be guarded so strictly as long as she was within the manor gates. She was free to roam as she pleased. Her main goal was to find a secluded area, far from the manor. She wondered for a bit more before she found a shaded area near the outer gates.

She sat on a bench and closed her eyes taking a deep breath. The breeze really was refreshing. The sky was clear with plenty of sunshine to spare. She opened her eyes when she felt a familiar presence.

"You're just as breathtaking in the sun as you are in the moon light." The doctor came out from the shadows.

Eleanor stood up and ran over to him, wrapping her arms around his towering body. "Your kindness never ceases to amaze me dear."

The doctor returned her hug, covering her small figure with his. He used his hand to guide her lips to connect to his. They both relished the passionate kiss, drowning in each other's intoxicating presence.

In what seemed like an eternity, they broke the kiss. Eleanor inhaled a much needed breath. The doctor guided her back to the bench where they both sat. The shade provided a much needed cover from not only the sun, but from prying eyes as well.

The doctor noticed a difference in her complexion. Her skin seemed brighter than before. Her hands weren't as skinny as they were before. The dark circles under her eyes were beginning to disappear.

"I see your health has improved. I am very proud of my patient!" The doctor was impressed of how quickly Eleanor was recovering.

"Well, I do have the most talented doctor treating me after all." She giggled.

The doctor leaned towards her "Do not forget the most handsome lover as well, ma cherie."

She giggled more "Oh my doctor, it is unlike you to care for appearances."

"Perhaps, but for you I like to be presentable at best." He fidgeted with his hands.

She gave him a small kiss on his beak. "Dear, you are quite adorable!"

The doctor blushed. Never has anyone described him as 'adorable'. At a loss for words, he thanked her and looked away from her in embarrassment. Knowing their time together was short, he wanted to take the opportunity to check on her studies.

"Eleanor dear, have you been able to progress in your studies? I understand it's been a while since you've been able to participate in an operation. Have your notes been keeping you occupied?"

She showed a sad smile, looking away. "Unfortunately, mother burned them. My books, my notes, they are all gone."

Eleanor was very upset. She had worked so hard to hide her medical materials only for them to be destroyed. It pained her more that the notes she took of the pestilence were taken in vain. All the knowledge she written down were gone.

The doctor took in her sad state. "Do not worry dear, you can always make new ones. The pestilence is a great disease that is always changing. You may make discoveries you hadn't noticed before."

She sighed. "Yes, I suppose you are right. I do, after all, have the handsomest doctor as my instructor." She gave him a wink. 

Liking her words, he chuckled. "You are correct. Just as I have the most gorgeous lady as my apprentice and my lover."

Their lips met, savoring each other by every breath. He wrapped his arms around her waist while she wrapped hers around his neck. The doctor took every taste of lavender from her lips. It made him fall deeper into madness that  began to consume him. He couldn't understand why she was so alluring. Eleanor also began falling deeper with him. It didn't matter how deep they were falling, as long as they were to fall together. 

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