Chapter 10

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It took a couple of weeks, but the doctor discovered a pattern among the abnormal pestilence. He was able to create an effective cure for this type of mutation. While he was able to cure most of the village folk, few were not able to take the cure well. He would spend countless hours operating on a person even days to help the poor soul. Unfortunately, after the 5th attempt to reanimate them, the doctor had no choice but to euthanize them. The guilt he felt to those who were unable to saved had caused him great greif.

Even so, he continued on. Between operating on his patients and noting his progress in his leather book, he buised himself to create this safe space. It wouldn't be long now before he would be reunited with Eleanor. The days were passing quickly and daylight had consumed most of the hours.

Sunday evening, the village was clean. It was sanitized and rid of the dreaded pestilence. By this time, the doctor had also claimed an abode here. This is where he had a base to come back to. He decorated it with flowers or anything he'd think Eleanor would like. Although they wouldn't be here for long, he still wanted to put in the effort to care for her.

With his work complete here, he still felt strange. He could still feel the mysterious pull that brought him and Eleanor together, but something was off. He felt the presence getting weaker.

'Could it be the distance?' He thought.

The doctor could only spectulate since this was his only experience. He dearly hoped that distance was the answer. The only other reason he could guess was that it had to do with her life force. If it had to do with her life force, he didn't dare think about the possiblties. He can't waste anymore time. It was time to collect his bride.

Unfortunately, Eleanor's life force was dwindling. She had been subjected to various methods of torture that were deemed 'medically nessessary.' There would be times when she would be put into ice baths the whole day resulting in hypothermia. With her mother's advice, the nurses would starve her for days only givng her water once a day. She began to quickly lose weight and become malnourished.

Eleanor fought hard to endure the torture, but with the amount of brutality assiociated with it, she was soon loosing hope. She was growing tired. Her fiance, Henry, had suggested hyponsis to which Dr. William accepted. The doctor created a method know as 'positive enforcement' In which he would brainwash her into obeying tasks or be punished. Because Henry was her fiance, he was used as a safe point her her. If she obeyed him, she wouldn't get punished.

At some point, Eleanor stopped sleeping. She would be awake at all hours of the night, looking out through her window. She brought her hand up to the cold window. There was something that she was forgetting. She felt like a piece of her heart was missing. Her memories faded and changed. The brainwashing was effective in Henry's favor. All the memories she had with her dear doctor were replaced with Henry instead.

Seeing this progress, Dr. William anounced success in her treatment. Eleanor's mother was satisfied with her daughter's outcome and decided to proceed with the wedding as planned. The wedding preparations were quickly underway. Her mother kept a close eye on her daughter to ensure she wouldn't have anymore hiccups in her behavior. Eleanor became the perfect bride.

After the tailor came by to take Eleanor's measurements, she was escorted to her room. Her mother had ordered she stay in her room until the day of the wedding. Keeping her daughter locked up would keep her under control. Guards were assigned at her bedroom door and outside her window to ensure no escape attemps were made. If she had to leave her room for any reason, she would have to be escorted by the guards.

Because of her insomnia, she would have hallucinations. She would imagine a man covered in black robes with his face hidden away by a crow mask. Whevener that person appeared, she would reach out to them. She felt a small spark in her soul each time she encounted that man. The spark felt so warm she wanted more. She became depressed and mute from the lack of this warmth.

Henry would visit her everyday. He would take her out on walks in the garden, have tea time with her, every moment he spent with her he'd admit his love for her. The kisses they shared felt empty. While Henry felt the sparks, Eleanor felt nothing. Each kiss was cold and unloving.

Henry didn't care much. As long as Eleanor was submissive and obedient, he was satisfied. She was like a doll. Quiet, beautiful, and his. It wasn't long now that the wedding would be in a few days.

The tailor came by the manor one more time to fix or add last minute details of her wedding dress. The dress that was made for her made justice and beyond for her. She was as stunning as a goddess. Her radiancy boosted the beauty of the dress. Henry was keeping her company the whole time. Even he himself, after seeing Eleanor a number of times, was in awe of her. He couldn't believe it was possible for her to become more georgeous than she already was.

Night had fallen, and just like every night, Eleanor was wide awake. The wedding was tomorrow. but she didn't dare complain. To complain is to get punished. She walked over to window, again placing a hand against the cold glass. She decided to open them, letting the cool breeze consume her.

'I'm tired.' she thought.

She started to feel the pull again, but she dismissed it. Just another hallucination. She didn't want to chase after a warmth that didn't exsist. This time, it felt different though. The pull was gradualy becoming stronger. Again, she dismissed it.

She sat at the open window and looked down towards the ground. Her room was located on the second floor. The ground was a far feat. The sky was amazing. The was no shortage in the bright stars. The moon was at it's fullest, lighting the whole sky in it's hauntingly beautiful show.

Suddenly, Eleanor stood up. She looked over to her wedding dress placed on a manican at the corner of her room. Shaking her head, she turned her back to it. She stepped onto the chair then on the ledge of the window. She came up with a solution. She could avoid punishment if she were to be gone.

She took a deep breath, hoping this decision would end her misery. She hoped she would be able to finally experience the warmth she craved so desparately. However, before she could take one step, a gloved arm encircled her waist from behind her frame. A hand had delicately taken one of hers.

"Eleanor, come now, darling." She heard from behind.

The metalic voice seemed to spark something in her mind. Where had she heard this voice before? It seemed familiar to her.

Gently, the man scooped her into his arms and stepped away from the window. He walked over to her bed and sat her down. Eleanor was able to get a look at this person. She was certain it wasn't her fiance. This person was warm. She had a sense of familiarity with them. The seconds that she was in his arms, she felt the warmth she was missing.

Looking up at the man, he was dressed in black robes. His face was hidden by his hood and a crow mask. He was the same person from her hallucinations. Could she be hallucinating again? But he carried her. Is he real?

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