Chapter 3

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The day of the ball arrives. Nobles from across the territory gather in their carriages to participate in the matchmaking ball. Young ladies were adorned in their elegant gowns while the young men were dressed to the tens in their suits. The ballroom was quickly filling up with guests ready to begin.

Eleanor stood in front of her mirror observing herself. Her hair was styled into a bun with two streaks of hair falling on both her shoulders. She wore a lavender colored dress with a sweetheart neckline. The dress had layers that added volume to her figure. Long white gloves were given to her to match with her dress. Her jewelry consisted of a pearl necklace, earrings, and bracelets. Her make-up was done by the best artist anyone could get. A knock on her door pulled her out of her thoughts.

"Lady Eleanor, it is time." a servant said from the other side.

"Okay." Eleanor responded.

The servant escorted her down to the ballroom. A strange sensation hit her. Her breath hitched and she felt her heartbeat pound in her chest. A presence was pulling her to it. It was more than compelling for her, she desired this presence. The feeling increased as she approached the ballroom. She had to urge to run to this source but kept her composure.

Standing behind the doors, she heard her que to enter. The doors open revealing a sea of nobles giving her complete attention. A series of gasps and aw's were heard throughout the ballroom as Eleanor descended down the steps. The guests were amazed by the beauty before their eyes.

Making it down to the bottom, guests begin to bow and curtsey. The bachelors in attendance were eager to meet and greet her in hopes of gaining her favor. Looking through the crowd, her eyes widened as she locked eyes with someone. For a moment, the world froze. There was something in her mind that was telling her to go to them. She entered into a hypnotic like state and took a step towards this person before someone abruptly grabbed her hand.

"Eleanor, are you alright? You seem to be distracted." Her mother asked, lifting an eyebrow.

"Oh, yes mother! I apologize!" Eleanor was having a difficult time concentrating on reality. The pull towards that person was incredibly hard to ignore.

"If there is no problem, then move along now. You have guests waiting for you." Her mother directed her.

"Yes mother."

Eleanor made her way to the guests. Because coming-of-age balls are meant to find a potential spouse, Eleanor is required to dance with every bachelor. She desperately wanted to look for this person that she was attracted to, but a bachelor walked up to her asking for a dance interrupting her search. As much as she wanted to continue searching, declining his proposal would be unacceptable. Her and the bachelor got into position. He placed one hand on her waist and the other in her hand. The orchestra begins to fill the room with the beautiful sounds of violins and cellos. The first dance of the night begins.

As the night continues, Eleanor continues to dance with one bachelor after another. With each person she danced with, she felt uncomfortable. The feeling of guilt was building up in her stomach though she didn't understand why. She didn't know any of these people she was dancing with and none of them gave her a reason to fear them. Growing tired of this feeling, she went over to the table where her parents were seated. They both were already discussing potential candidates. At least they were pleased.

She sips her tea minding herself since it was pointless to join their conversation. She was growing bored of the scene. Eleanor never did like parties. She isn't a fan of crowds. The smell of alcohol was everywhere. The scent of the perfumes the ladies were wearing were no match to the stench. The drunks were loud and making a ruckus. It was too stuffy for her liking.

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