Chapter 4

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It's the morning after the ball. Eleanor was sore from the amount of dancing she did the night before. The heels she wore left blisters on her feet making it difficult to walk. She wished she could stay in bed all day but her mother wouldn't like that. It's not like she had anything to do. There's nothing planned for today.

Eleanor turned to lay on her back. Her thoughts were swimming about the doctor. She thought about the dance under the stars on the balcony. His touch was gentle and sweet. She felt sparks when she touched his hand. Eleanor's heart started fluttering when she remembered his offer to teach her about the pestilence. No one has ever offered such education other than house duties. She was more than happy for the opportunity.

Suddenly feeling excited, she gets out of bed. Her ladies-in-waiting enter her room as she gets up. They prepare her for a bath to help with her sore body, the hot water providing a tremendous relief. Afterwards, they helped dress her and served her tea in the sun room. The rays of the sun helped clear her mind. She recalls a memory from the night before to rendezvous with the doctor, but they didn't discuss when or where. She forgot to ask. Realizing that the pull to him was still there, she could use that to guide her to him when the time comes.

Feeling impatient, Eleanor decides to head back to her room to read her books. As she approaches her room, she notices that her door is open. Slowly entering, she sees her mother standing in a very familiar spot. It's the same spot where Eleanor hides her books under the floor bored. Although deeply nervous, she retains her stoic expression. Her mother coming to her instead of vise versa is not a good sign.

"Greetings mother." Eleanor curtseys.

"Greetings Eleanor. It has been brought to my attention that we may have had an unexpected guest during yesterday's festivities. This person was seen dancing with you out on the balcony. Tell me, were they one of the bachelors? I wouldn't want my daughter to tarnish our family's reputation by dancing with someone she's not supposed to." Her mother's glare sends daggers to Eleanor.

"Yes mother, they were. Though, I do agree it was odd to dance out on the balcony instead of the ballroom." Eleanor replied quickly to not make her mother suspicious. "I do hope you and father make a decision soon in regards to my engagement. I wish to avoid potential rumors that would hurt the family name."

Eleanor's mother studied her daughter for any signs of deceit, reading her body language and facial expressions which remained stoic. Luckily, Eleanor knew how to walk on thin ice.

"We have a few that we discussed. I trust you not to blemish the family name, however" Her mother delivered a back handed slap to Eleanor. "See to it that no such mistakes are to be made again. Understood?"

"Yes mother, I understand."

Her mother walked out of Eleanor's room shutting the door behind her. Eleanor walked over to her vanity, examining her cheek. She felt the stinging sensation when she saw the red mark on her face. While she teared up at the pain, it wasn't all that bad compared to the far worse ones she's received prior.

She spent the rest of the day reading to help distract herself. The day passed without further incident. The sun went down as she bid her parents goodnight. Deciding now is the perfect time to meet with the doctor, she adorned her black cloak and a small bag, packing writing utensils and paper just in case she needed to take notes. She opens her bedroom window and proceeds to climb down from the second story using the bricks and vines that covered the exterior. She safely gets to the ground and sneaks out through the back gates and heads to town.

The doctor wonders amongst the people in the streets. They were all diseased, some more than others. While he could handle this problem himself, he found it exciting to be able to work with someone. Even though the young lady he met, Eleanor, was pure and free of the pestilence, she intrigued him. Having her pleasant company does sound nice, he thought. He's never had a companion. He would have occasional run-ins with a possessive mask, but that was just a basic acquaintance. Her presence, however, was something he craved.

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