Episode 24: Utopia || 2

213 18 53


Yeosang's eyelids fluttered open, and he gasped for breath, his chest heaving. Looking around, he realized he was lying on a truck bed. His body felt heavy, and his head was pounding, making it difficult to focus. He tried to sit up, but a wave of nausea hit him, and he collapsed back onto the rough surface. The thick, cloying scent of sweet honey hung in the air, flaring his nostrils. It was so overpowering that it almost felt like a physical weight, suffocating him. He tried to breathe through his mouth, but the smell was so strong that it coated his tongue, making him gag. The sickly, sweet aroma seemed to be seeping into his pores, making his skin crawl. Despite the discomfort, he forced himself to take a deep breath to get his bearings and figure out how he had ended up in this situation.

He sat up and looked around, taking in his surroundings. The last thing he remembered was being in the back of the truck with the others. But now, he was nowhere near where they had last been. He was in a moss-covered parking lot, surrounded by towering trees and dense undergrowth. The air was thick with the scent of vegetation, and he could only hear leaves rustling and hollow winds.

Panic set in as he realized he was alone. Had the others left him here? He had so many questions, but no answers. How did he end up here? Why was he left behind? What had happened?

The guilt of accusing Wooyoung of knowing something about this place weighed heavily on him, and he couldn't shake the feeling that he was somehow responsible for his current predicament. He grabbed his head, remembering how Wooyoung looked at him with such betrayal when he asked a question he did not know why he asked.

Why did he do that? Wooyoung was already going through a lot, especially after Yeosang did to him the knight he killed Eda...why would he ask him such a thing?

He struggled to his feet and stumbled around, trying to find any sign of the others. But the vastness of the forest-like city seemed to swallow him whole, and he was left feeling even more lost and alone. As he walked, the dampness of the moss seeped through his shoes, and he shivered from the cold. His mind was racing with thoughts and questions, but he had no one to turn to for answers.

Yeosang stumbled through the lush emerald city, his every movement weighed down by a heavy burden that seemed to grow heavier with each passing moment. The winds that blew through the deserted streets carried with them a mournful melody that seemed to echo the shattered fragments of his soul. Each step he took seemed to send tremors through his aching body, each one a painful reminder of the dreams he had lost and the hopes that had been crushed. It was as if he were walking through a graveyard, every footfall a solemn requiem for a life that had been snatched away from him.

The city around Yeosang was shrouded in an ethereal twilight that seemed to hang in the air like a heavy veil. The sun had been swallowed by the horizon, leaving only a faint glow that struggled to illuminate the desolate surroundings. The dying embers of the sunset cast long and gnarled shadows that twisted and contorted in the eerie light. The sight of purple, orange, and pink hues blending in with the sickly green of the cityscape only added to the already overwhelming feeling of gloominess that had been weighing down on Yeosang. It was as though even the colors had lost their vibrancy and vitality, mirroring the dullness that had taken over his life. The once bustling and lively city now felt desolate and empty, accentuating the sense of sadness that had been gnawing at him.

Yeosang's countenance bore the weight of profound anguish, etched with lines of torment tracing his face's contours. His eyes, once vibrant with life, now reflected a desolation that mirrored the twisted and tortured shapes that seemed to dance in the shadows surrounding him. The air hung heavy with an oppressive gloom as if the very atmosphere conspired to amplify the depths of his suffering. Each crease on his forehead told a story of inner turmoil, and the echoes of his silent agony resonated in the eerie silence that enveloped him, casting a pall of despair over the scene.

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