Chapter 6: Getting Closer

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After that talk with Rina, I felt more comfortable around her. I don't know how she did it but I'm thankful that there's someone who I can trust now.

Well, ofcourse I don't fully trust Rina, for now. Time and situation will tell about the progress of Me, trusting her.

I was watching Rina finish eating her food. Ironic that I, myself, is uncomfortable with people watching me eat.

She looks so cute whenever she chew. Her dimples shows the moment she puts the food in her mouth. I didn't know that she has one or two.

Rina finished her food then she spoke up. "Do you have plans, today?"
I was back in reality, and look somewhere else before Rina catch me that I am watching her while she eats.

"Uh, i guess not. I just got out to eat. You?" I asked her back.
"Nope. Well, we both don't have other plans. Why don't we go out? I mean have some fun. It's saturday anyways." she smile at me.

After the scene earlier, how can I say 'no' to her suggestion? Might as well have fun this weekend.
"Ok, but where are we going?" I asked her.
"I know a place" she replied as she grabbed my hand and dragged me out the café.

We walked for like, almost half an hour and I'm really tired. I regretted that I didn't eat a heavy meal.

We are now away from the shopping district, actually, more like away from the city because all I can see now is just trees and rocks but every once in a while I see some houses on our way. Is this still a part of Tokyo?

We kind of made into a stop and I put my hands on my knees. I really am exhausted as of this moment. What got into Rina, for us walking this far?

"Where do you plan on taking me? I swear we could've just get a cab to be here." I was breathing heavily. Rina looked at me and said.
"I was just excited, but atleast we've got some exercise, right?" She chuckled."Anyways, we're here. Well, almost."
I shot her a look. Then she smiled guiltily.
"What do you mean, 'almost'?!" I half shouted at her.
"We still have to climb up the stairs" she pointed the stairs just right infront of us. I swear I didn't noticed that when Rina didn't mention it.
I just grunted and said. "You better be sure it's worth it." I walk first up the stairs then Rina quickly followed me.
"Rest assured that it is worth it." She is now beside me then she holds my hand and there she goes dragging me again.

Where did she get all her energy?!

"Come on, it's just a few steps." She told me.

I just let out a whine and Rina chuckle.
Her hands are still holding mine. It was soft like cotton. If given a chance, I will voluntarily hold her hands forever.

After that thought, she let go of my hand and there's this feeling that I don't want her to let go but then, she spoke.

"Here we are." She said as she spread her arms and smiling ear to ear.

I looked around and as if on cue, the breeze of wind touched my face and make my hair flow with the wind.

This place is amazing. There are still some trees, well ofcourse the leaves are gradually falling out because of the season but the thing that really amazed me is the view. We can see the overview of the city. Not literally the whole city, but still. All my tiredness seemed to vanish the moment I process where we are.

I walk beside Rina and said, "Well, I think our walk paid off." I looked at her and smiled. "This is amazing!" I faced again the view.

I heard Rina chuckle, "I told you."
"We discovered this place when we were biking." I looked at her confused. Eye questioning her who is the other one.
"My sister and I usually bike together whenever we feel like it. And we ended up discovering this place." She cleared up.

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