Chapter 10: Christmas Eve

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"You should eat more, Haruna." My grandma told me while passing some tonkatsu.

"You're mother will be worried if you don't eat right." Grandpa added. Then passed me some steamed vegetables.

As you can see, my Grandparents kind of spoil me. What do you expect, I'm their  only grandchild. There are some advantage and disadvantages for being the only child.

I'm here at my Grandparent's place, being pampered and all. It's Christmas eve and lately, I've been receiving christmas greetings from our classmates. Though, the four girls haven't greeted me, but it's not a big deal.

"Haruna?" My grandma called. I didn't noticed that I looked like I'm just playing with my food, so I took a bite of something out of my plate.

I looked at my grandparents.
"You'll finish all the food that is set on the table, ok?" Grandpa told me.
"Eh?" I responded.

If you didn't noticed, the table looks like we're having a feast inspite of there are only three people who's going to eat those food.

"You're Grandpa is right, so that you'll grow." Grandma teasingly added.
"What's that suppose to mean?" I whined at them.

Yes, My Grandparents and I are close to the point that they tease me like we're with the same age.

"I'm just kidding, Haruru." Grandma said while smiling. "And your grandpa is also bluffing with the "finish all the food that is set"". Grandma added imitating Grandpa's voice.

Grandpa just laugh at Grandma's attempt of imitating him. I think this is why they're still together. Everyday of their lives together is an interesting chapter.

We finished our dinner, I helped Grandma clean up things. I am not usually a fan of cleaning up things but I'm at my Grandparent's place so better help 'em out.

After the chores are done, I went to my room which is across the room of my grandparents.

I already gave my gifts to them, and they also have a gift for me which is a secret. Nah, it's just a simple sweater.
We had that normal Granparent-Grandchild bonding all-day. Mom called earlier, greeting us a happy holiday and asked how are we doing and vice versa.

Now, I'm lying on my bed. I reached for my phone to check if there's any new messages and also to look at what time it is.

It's almost ten thirty in the evening. I decided to greet back all my classmates who greeted me earlier eventhough it's a little late for that.

While typing my message, my phone beeped indicating that I have a new message. I finished the greeting then sent it first via group message. After that, I checked up on the message I have received.

Merry Christmas, guys! Hope you and your family are merry today! :D
God! I think I'm gonna blow up. My grandparents came over earlier and they brought food! Yey! That's why christmas is one of my favorite events on earth!

Oh, and see guys tomorrow! Sooo excited.

Guess who. Yes, it's from Tomomi. Even in her messages she's full of energy. I wonder if she ever ran out of energy, i guess not. As long as she have her precious cookies she'll never ran out of energy.

I tapped a reply to her, greeting her back.

Before I send my message again, I received two or three more messages. So, they really planned on greeting this late. Fair enough.

I tapped the 'send' button then looked at the new messages. It's from Yoko, Anna, and Mami. Rina still hasn't greeted me, that made me wonder.

I greeted them all back, saying I was also excited for tomorrow. I really don't know where our venue is for the "get togther" tomorrow. I hope it's not too crowded or something, but it's a holiday so I should atleast expect the unexpected.

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