Chapter 16: Junior Year

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A/N: Hey guys, I'm just going to inform you that this chapter's going to have a "time leap" so that we'll get to the important change on the flow of the story. You'll understand it once you read this through :) ok. Enjoy!


Throughout the rest of the semester, I have this weird feeling.

Whenever I'm not with the girls, especially with Rina, it's like my body automatically wants to look for her. It's like my day is not complete without talking to her or even just see her for the day. And if I'm with her, even we're just beside each other, not talking or anything, It feels comforting. It's like when I see her first thing in the morning, nothing will go wrong throughout the day. But I guess this is a first for me. This is the first time someone has been friendly to me, genuine with their words towards me. Right, it must be it.

But why do I feel a tinge in my heart whenever she's laughing and enjoying towards the company of others? It's like I should be the only one making her smile or laugh. Am I jealous? But why should I be jealous?

The summer break just passed by in a flash. During summerbreak, my grandparents decided to take me to Nagoya, where their hometown is, and where they raised me in my infant years. That also makes the place my hometown, right?

I just spent the summerbreak inside the house, going out occassionally when needed. And that makes my summerbreak boring. That's another first for me. I've never felt so bored in my entire life. Before I met Rina, I was just contented being in the house all day but now, I can't seem to stand the situation. I tried to explore and recall the place. After a few weeks, we decided to go back for me to prepare for school.

Today is the returning to school. I, I mean We are now on our junior year, one more year and we're gonna be seniors and the happy and sad moment of graduating.

Like every first day of school, the area from the information board is packed with other students, looking for their names and their sections.

It feels like dé javu, though I'm not in a hurry anymore. Another thing is, I'm more aware of the people that surrounds me. There are constant greetings from the people who are acquainted with Rina and ofcourse from the other girls too.

I started roaming my eyes around the place to look for the others.

I stood beside a plantbox that is near from the information board, fished out my phone and started composing message.

Where are you guys? The students are starting to get packed.

After being satisfied with my message, I sent it to them. Waiting for their replies, I walked to the nearest bench. I have no intention to gain height with just standing off.

Why do I keep on waiting for the others, you might ask?
Well, we agreed during the break, that we should see our sections at the same time. Ofcourse, we agreed to this on messaging over the phone.

The girls arrived one by one, with their smiles plastered on their faces. I guess a month or two of vacation without seeing each other so much, felt like an eternity for them. Though I feel like it too.

Rina hasn't arrived yet, so much for 'I'm on my way' response from her message. While waiting for Rina, the girls are talking about what happened during their breaks. I am looking forward on what will be Rina's stories on what happened during her summer break.

"Man, it's a bummer from where I had my summerbreak. It bore me to death." Yoko started.

Another rant from Yoko. Everytime there's an occassion, she always have rants about it. I guess in the near future I'll get used to this side of her.

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