Chapter 8: A week before Christmas

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"Ok class, since it's a week before christmas, I will give you a take home activity." Ms. Haruki told us.

It's already afternoon and we're having a homeroom meeting with Ms. Haruki.

On cue, everybody in the class whined in disagreement. Even Takahasi, protested seriously, trying to reason out with Ms. Haruki like we're on the trial court.

Ms. Haruki giggled. That made everybody's whining subsided. We looked at Ms. Haruki in confusion.

"Ok, ok. I'll consider this as my present to you guys. But remember to review your subjects. Is that clear class?" She said.

Now everybody's jumping out of joy. Thanking Ms. Haruki for the consideration.

Ms. Haruki can also be like Mr. Kobayashi. A considerate and entertaining teacher. I will consider them as one of my favorite teacher in my life.

Ms. Haruki dismissed the meeting and now, everyone in class is now busy talking about the upcoming holiday.

I walked up to my friends, yes, I'm not hesitant to call them friends anymore.

As months pass by, we discover each others interests, personality, etc.

"Ha-ru-na!" Tomomi called out to me with her cheshire-like smile. Now, what's with her?

I looked at her with furrowed brows and a hesitant smile. Whenever Tomomi's mood is like this, she's definitely up to something. I guarantee that.

"What?!" She said in her high-pithced voice. Then she put her left arm to my shoulder.

"Nothing" I replied, still eyeing her suspiciously. "What's up with your mood?" I added.

"What mood?" She asked innocently .
"Ah!" She then, raised her right hand as if she just processed what I have asked her.

"I'm just happy, ecstatic or whatever you call to my mood today. It's because christmas is coming in a week!" She said still hanging on me.

Disadvantage of being "small". I'm not that small, but you know what I mean.

"Well eventhough it's in a month or so, you're still excited about it." Mami joined our conversation.
"You keep bugging me on what present I have for you" she added.

Tomomi pouted at Mami's retort.

"Well, I'm just really excited. It's like positive vibes flows in my veins whenever christmas is coming." Tomomi replied.

"Yeah, yeah. Even if it's not christmas, you're always full of energy or positive vibes as you might say." Mami told Tomomi.

"Ok ok, stop it you two before you end up being mad with each other." Yoko retorted from behind us. She's with Rina.

Rina look amused.

"I might disagree on you're statement Yoko." Rina started.
"I get that you're not still used to these two. That's their way of caring for each other." Then she giggled.

Yoko smiled then nodded.

"I guess you are right. Still not used to them. They're so weird." Yoko laughed at her reply.

I think Mami and Tomomi  caught up the word "weird" because they paused.
Then Tomomi called on Yoko, or shouted.

"Hey! We're not weird" then she pouted.

Aww, there goes the five-year old Tomomi again. Mami seemed unaffected about Yoko's statement.
"I think Yoko's just jealous coz she can't be any weirder than she is now with Anna" Mami retorted. I guess not. She then smirked.

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