Chapter 7

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"Aw, that's no way to treat your elders, mutt," Hyunsuk smirked, looking up and down at Jennie's body.

"Elders shmelders. I'm only talking to you cause I was ordered to,"

"But aren't you the Alpha? Didn't know you were somebody's bitch, mutt,"

"Quit calling me mutt! I'm a purebred," Jennie said, slamming her locker.

"You're not, actually. You're a half-breed since your mom was a," Hyunsuk shuddered "human,"

"Don't you dare talk about my mother," Jennie glared, "She would be here if it wasn't for you,"

Hyunsuk's glare hardened, looking down at Jennie. "I told you I had nothing to do with that,"

"It was your species,"

"Don't be racist, Kim,"

"How the fuck was that racist you moron?"

They glared at each other for what seemed like an eternity. Jennie, for a scare factor, flashed her eyes gold and bared her fangs. Hyunsuk's eyes widened as he squealed like a little girl. Jennie grinned.

"Jay isn't in my coven. I couldn't have stopped him if I tried. You know that," he glared at the floor, avoiding Jennie's eyes.

"You could of tried," Jennie grumbled.

"What did you need, anyways?" Hyunsuk asked, crossing his arms and leaning against the lockers.

"I need a way to contact Song Kang," Jennie said, slinging her bag across her shoulder.

"Great. So do I,"

"Wait, what?" Jennie furrowed her eyebrows. "He's the leader of your coven,"

"Actually, no he's not," Hyunsuk said, dusting off his blazer. "He left like, last year,"


"Actually we kicked him out,"

"What the fuck,"

"A new guy replaced him. Some Australian guy,"

"Kang's gone?"

"Yeah, is your animal brain too dumb to function or something?" Hyunsuk asked, annoyed. "It's like you're not even listening to me,"

"If Kang is gone, why didn't any of you bloodsuckers tell us?"

"We didn't want to associate him with dogs, he's pure,"

Jennie rolled her eyes. "Well tell this new guy Eunwoo and I need to talk to him,"


"Because we need to talk to him about the murders,"


"Cause they happened in our woods,"


"I don't know, that's why I need to talk to him,"



Hyunsuk glared at her. "You have some nerve-"

Jennie grabbed hyunsuk's head before slamming it into the lockers, making a dent into the wall. She then grabbed his arm and twisted it until he screamed. Her eyes were golden.

Hyunsuk screamed in fear; Jennie was only like this when she was extremely annoyed or when she was about to attack something. This happens to all werewolves when they got angry.

"You are going to do exactly what I say Choi," Jennie growled, her voice getting deeper. "You are going to march back to your territory and tell the Shrek to meet me and Eunwoo to talk about the deaths. I will hunt you down if you don't,"

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