Chapter 14

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Lisa spent the rest of the day fuming. And she had no idea why.

Jennie is not your girlfriend. You have no right to be jealous, she thought to herself, praying it was her own personal thoughts instead of the one linked to Jennie.

I am not jealous, Lisa assured herself.

She thought of the list of names that could have the nickname Fany.

Stephany. Fantine. Tiffany. Stefania. They all sounded like bitchy names. Jennie would never go for a girl like that.

Yep, totally not jealous.

"What crawled up your ass and died?" Nancy asked, poking Lisa with her elbow in the ribs at lunch. "You're sulking,"

"It's nothing," Lisa brushed off, resting her chin in her hand. "Not a big deal,"

"Well it must be if it's got you in a bad mood. C'mon, talk to the queen," Nancy said, throwing an arm around Lisa's shoulder.

Lisa sighed. "Is there anyone in this school who goes by Fany?"

Nancy blinked at her.

"I thought this was girl problems,"

"This is a girl problem,"

Nancy thought for a minute. "Not that I know of, no,"

Lisa groaned. Who was this Fany Jennie was texting?

"Why do you ask?"

"It's nothing," Lisa shrugged.

Jisoo suddenly ran through the lunch room doors and slammed her hands down on the table.

"Hey," she panted. "If I were to get arrested and gave you the money, would you come bail me out of jail?"

"What?" Nancy and Lisa exclaimed at the same time.

"Sure," Daisy shrugged, looking down at her phone screen. Jisoo took a fistful of bills out of her pocket before thrusting them into Daisy's outstretched hands.

"Thanks Daisy, expect to call tomorrow," Jisoo said, running away.

Nancy and Lisa exchanged a look before glancing at Daisy, who was counting the money Jisoo gave her.

"I'll get her," Lisa said, before rushing after her friend.

"Why do you plan on getting arrested?" Lisa asked Jisoo when she found the girl standing at her locker.

"Rosé wants me to assist her in a task. It involves breaking and entering. I needed to make sure someone was there in case I got caught," Jisoo shrugged.

"Um, what?"

"Something about the vampire house. The scent of werewolves is stronger than the scent of humans so they are going to cause an intercession,"



"Wouldn't they be able to find humans? Does the smell of dog mask that?" Lisa asked.


"Damn... good to know,"

"What is?" Jennie asked, walking up behind the two girls.

"That your wet dog scent is stronger than the smell my delicious human blood," Jisoo said casually.

"Geez... I don't smell that bad, do I?" Jennie asked, checking her underarms.

"I mean to a supernatural yes," Jisoo said. Jennie looked at her weirdly.

"How did you know that?"


My Love Is A Dork [JENLISA,CHAESOO] Where stories live. Discover now