Chapter 17

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"What do you mean 'you're not dating?'" Nancy asked, mouth wide open. "It's been like three weeks since you told me you kissed her,"

Lisa shrugged. "I don't know. I mean, we're like dating and we aren't seeing any other people but we're not, like, official,"

"You haven't DTRed?"

Lisa furrowed her brows. "Is that like a lesbian term that I don't know? I thought I knew all of them,"

Nancy laughed. "That just means 'define the relationship,'"

"Oh, yeah we haven't done that yet,"

"But she's picking you up from practice?"

"Pretty sure. She's been doing that for the past three weeks,"

"You guys are adorable," Nancy zipped up her bag, throwing her practice stuff in her locker. Her and Lisa were the last in the gym after practice.

They walked outside, Jennie was in her truck bantering with Jhope. They just got off work.

"Hey, babe," Jennie smiled, hugging Lisa before pecking her lips. Lisa smelled gross and sweaty but Jennie was used to the smell of wet dog and car grease, so it didn't matter.

Nancy and Jhope smirked at the two, as if to say can you believe these losers aren't girlfriends yet?

"We're heading to the diner," Jhope coughed. "Want to join us? It's gonna be us, Nayeon, Rosé, and Jisoo,"

"Sure," Nancy smiled. "I'll meet you guys over there,"

She said goodbye, and the three piled into the truck.

"Where's Suga? Wasn't he suppose to work today?" Lisa asked, throwing her bag in the seat next to Jhope.

Jennie let out a laugh while Jhope rolled his eyes.

"He's out with his girlfriend," Jhope grumbled. "Elena,"

"The Singer?" Lisa said. "Quit joking,"

"He's not, actually," Jennie said, eyes focused on the road. "Her name is actually Shin Suran. She doesn't go to WP Prep, she goes to Blue Moon High,"

"Is it his mate?"

"Oh god no," Jennie sounded disgusted. "If she was I would actually cry. We hate her,"

"She's a meanie," Jhope added.

Lisa cracked a smile while Jennie tried not to laugh. They both failed.

"What? What's so funny?" Jhope asked.

"Hoseok, that's the best you can do?" Lisa laughed. "You're way too nice,"

Jhope's ears almost turned as red as his hair. "I mean she's bitchy,"

Jhope swearing to Jennie was even more funny that Jhope avoiding swearing. She laughed so hard her car started to swerve, making Jhope and Lisa fear for their lives.

She gripped her stomach, stopped laughed and started coughing. She gripped her side like she was in immense pain.

Lisa immediately shot up, while Jhope put his head between the front two seats, worry crossing his features.

"Are you okay? Where does it hurt?" Lisa asked. She lifted up Jennie's shirt as she was still driving.

"I'm fine, I'm okay," Jennie stuttered. "Don't worry about me,"

Lisa saw Jennie's scar from the stitches across her toned abs. The wound was patched up, but the surrounding skin looked red and infected.

"You told me you were healed," Lisa said softly, fingers tracing over the place where Jennie got shot. "Does your leg look like this too?"

My Love Is A Dork [JENLISA,CHAESOO] Where stories live. Discover now