Chapter 19

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Jennie waited anxiously at the cul de sac near the vampire's home. This would be the last place anyone would look for her. She paced back and forth, waiting for her guest to arrive.

It wasn't that she was trying to keep secrets, it's just with everything going on with the hybrids and Lunar eclipse drama, she didn't want to be a burden.

Jennie let out a huff, becoming increasingly impatient as she waited for Taeyeon to arrive. She had arranged for the witch to meet her before she went to the pack's cabin in order for her to figure out Jennie's situation. She was currently fifteen minutes late, and jennie couldn't wait anymore.

"Jeez, someone's eager," she heard Taeyeon say. "I felt your aura from a mile away,"

Tae appeared in the cul de sac, suitcase in hand. She was just as intimidating as Jennie remembered her.

"Sorry," Jennie mumbled. "It's just nerves,"

Taeyeon walked closer; she touched Jennie's shoulder.

"You were shot," she stated. Jennie nodded.

"But that was over a month ago," jennie said. "And my stitches still haven't closed the wound all the way, and the skin around it is all red and-"

"Let me see," Taeyeon said. Jennie lifted up her shirt.

Jennie saw Taeyeon's eyes widen, her face showing no emotion.

"Is it bad?" Jennie asked weakly.

"No," Taeyeon mumbled. "It's just really infected. But it's fixable,"

"How do you think it happened?"

Taeyeon placed her hands on Jennie's stomach, feeling the hot red skin around the stitches. It didn't look good.

"My guess was that the bullets were laced with wolfsbane," Tae said. "But faintly, so it would kick in like an after effect. Have you told anyone about this?"

Jennie shook her head.

Tae sighed. "This is serious, Jennie,"

"But I don't want to freak anyone out. They didn't ask so I didn't tell them,"

"By now the wolfsbane is in your bloodstream. You're weak, how do you expect to try to stop the hybrids if you feel like death?"

Jennie's shoulders sagged. "I managed,"

"You probably feel like shit. The wolfsbane is eating away at your insides, it's only a matter of time before you become seriously ill,"

"But you can help me, right?" Jennie cut in.

Taeyeon rubbed her temples. "I could make a salve or balm or something, but it's going to take a while until you're strong again. The wolfsbane has been in your system for a month, it's going to take you a month to be one hundred percent better, but we don't have that much time. The eclipse is in two weeks,"

"You're going to help us, right? Stay until the eclipse and help us stop whoever is doing this?" Jennie asked. Tae nodded.

"Of course," she said. "I don't want demons to come kill us more than the next guy. I've seen The Vampire Diaries. I know what Klaus can do,"


Nayeon was thrilled to meet one of her heros.

"I admire you so much! Your work is miraculous!" she gushed, her smile wide when Taeyeon walked through the door.

Tae, usually having a cold demeanor, smiled warmly. The witch reminded her of her apprentice-slash-best friend Tiffany.

"Thank you, bunny," she said, touching the girl's arm. Nayeon squealed.

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