Chapter 20

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That's all what Lisa felt. Her body should have responded to the nurses trying to speak with her in the hospital, but she didn't. Because she didn't feel anything.

She was numb.

Jennie was here, sitting next to her. She was holding Lisa's hand, rubbing her fingers over Lisa's knuckles soothingly. Lisa didn't notice.

Out of all the people in the world... Bambam?

Bambam. Her idiot brother. The boy who annoys her to no end. Her little baby brother.

The doctors were doing everything they can to help him, but they were fighting a downhill battle. He lost so much blood, and he was beginning to become unresponsive.

Lisa stared at the same spot for hours, not noticing the movement going around her. Her mind was blank, her body was numb. She can't even remember how she got to the hospital in the first place.

Jennie felt broken. She couldn't bear seeing Lisa like this. She also couldn't get the picture of Bambam's mangled body out of her head. The bloodied mess on the ground, hearing the faint heartbeat, claw marks covering his body. It was horrendous.

He was alive, thank god, but barely. Jennie couldn't help but feel responsible. She took Bambam's attack as a warning.

It was now late into the night. She had ordered the rest of her pack and Taeyeon to go home while she stayed with the Manoban's for moral support. Lisa was still unresponsive while Sorn had fallen asleep on one of the couches. Chitthip and Marco were busy talking to the doctors.

Sooner or later Lisa fell asleep in Jennie's arms, tears staining her cheeks. It hurt Jennie internally.

"Hi, sweetie," Chitthip said softly, sitting down next to Jennie. It was 3 in the morning, the waiting room was almost deserted.

"Hi," Jennie croaked. "How is he?"

Chitthip let out a shaky breath. "They're managing, but, it doesn't look too great,"

Jennie felt tears prick her eyes. "I'm so-"

"Oh, honey, it's not your fault," Chitthip said, wiping the tears off Jennie's cheeks "I am so grateful you found him. Who would have known what would have happened if you- if you hadn't-"

Chitthip placed a hand over her mouth, sobbing silently. Jennie took the hand that wasn't being used as a pillow by Lisa to rub Chitthip's back.

She didn't know what to say. This was different from any other situation she's ever been in. When her parents were murdered, she didn't have anyone to say "they're going to make it" because they were already dead. She didn't know if saying that to Chitthip would be comforting or setting her up for disappointment.

She contemplated on saying "I know what it's like to lose someone" but she thought that was selfish. So she opted to stay silent.

"Hey, kiddo," Marco said, walking up to the girls. "Why don't you go home? Get some rest. We all really appreciate you being here, but I don't want you wasting your time here when you could be sleeping,"

Jennie glanced at the sleeping girl in her arms, then back up at Marco.

"With all due respect, Mr. Manoban, I want to stay here. Not just for Lisa, but for Bambam. I-I can't help but feel... responsible..."

"Sweetie, you had nothing to do with this," Chitthip said, putting a hand on Jennie's shoulder. "This was a freak accident,"

Looking at Marco and Chitthip, Jennie's stomach filled with guilt. If only they knew...

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