Chapter 5: the little things

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As a reporter, I have to find out what is going on in the city.
While the judge was still looking at the window, I backed up very slowly, and started to walk towards the door .

" y/n where do you think you're going?" Neuvillette said

To the bathroom

" that's a nice lie but you're a reporter"

Well, since you already know, let me leave

" I will,"
The judge started walking closer, and closer I backed up every inch of the way until I hit the wall

" there seems to be something on your face. I guess it's the black smoke from the explosion."

He wiped the black scuff off my face, and lead my face up towards his .

" be careful some things in the city should not be found out"

When he said that, I was very determined to find out what he was talking about
I was about to walk out until he stopped me

He put one leg in between my thigh up against my private part

Umm neu... he put one hand across my lips. He leaned in ever so closely and kissed me.
My eyes widen, sparks started flying
I've never experienced something like this before, and this was my very first kiss

He slid his tongue in my mouth, touching every nook and cranny . his hands started to explore my body searching for something more.

He pulled back from the kiss and our foreheads touch we both was breathing heavily.

" I wish I could keep you in here more but you have something you need to do"
After he said that he backed away from me and I didn't know what to think like, why did he kiss me was that steamy session we had

I started to walk away. I turned back and looked at him. He looked at me too. We stared at each other for five minutes. Then I walked out.

I don't really know how to feel about this, but let me stay focused on my job ahead . I ran to my hotel to change clothes so I can follow Wriothesley and his platoon.

But first if I want to get ahead of this, I have to find that top hat guy. But where to look after leaving the hotel I ran to the balcony when I looked down I seen a familiar face.

Hey navia long time no see ,I yelled

She looked up at me and ran over to the stairs to come up here . She hugged me.

" oh my God I heard what happened. I rushed over here so fast."

I smiled at her. It's nice to see a fresh face.

" so tell me what happened, your face is all red from something"

When she said that my face flushed with the red colors, I don't even  want to mention what happened

It's nothing Navia it's just the heat getting to me

" well it seems like we need to take a trip to the beach"

The beach I have to find somebody

" already is it still the same guy?"

No, it's another guy. He has a top hat.

" oh, you're looking for lyney he's in charge of the revolutionist"

That's his name

" yes he's usually at the beach you should come"

Why are you making that face Navia

" oh, nothing it's the summer getting to me"

I laughed and rolled my eyes,off to the beach.

Vision: Wriothesley x reader x neuvillette Where stories live. Discover now