Chapter 27: red string

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Wriothesley pov

It's been weeks and she hasn't opened her eyes, navia came and visited her with some flowers and Charlotte came with some food and medicine.

Neuvillette hasn't showed up once I know me and him are on bad terms but he should still come visit her.

I touched her forehead again and it feels hotter then last time, I took the rag off her head and put another cold rag on her.

Now that I think about it she did get her pyro vision a few months ago, then I realized this might be a vision sickness, I grabbed her hand and started to pour my ice into her body to calm her down.

I looked back up at her and she was blushing, so that means she must be feeling better I continued to let her feel my ice until her body cooled down.

But then I started to feel this wave of excitement I pulled my hand away and stepped back.
And looked down at my pants why is this happening I said to myself

" because elements that work good together can cause a reaction, fire and ice makes mist Wriothesley you should know you went to elemental school" Neuvillette said

I was shocked to see him since he hasn't showed up recently.

He walked over and touched her forehead and released a thin layer of cold water around her body.

" I've been to libraries to figure out what this sickness might be, but there's nothing I want her to open up her eyes my beautiful lady please wake up " Neuvillette said

He's just..........let me breathe I'm not going to argue we both need to be here for her

" well sigewinne said she will be back next month with some medicine we just have to keep her alive till then"

Neuvillette eyes widen.

" what do you mean keep her alive I thought this was just a regular sickness. This is severe."

I might have used the wrong words well actually I don't even know if this is a severe sickness. She told me that she been through this already, so I guess it's like a normal sickness or whatever but I'm really worried about her. I wanna call her friends, but I don't wanna look into her phone even though I already did I just don't wanna invade her privacy ."

Neuvillette let out a huge sigh of relief

" so she said she's been through this already so that means it's like a normal sickness"

* y/n clearing her throat"

Me and Neuvillette looked over to see y/n with her eyes opened

" how long was I out?" Y/n

Wriothesley walked over to her with some water

" you've been out for two weeks" Neuvillette said while caressing her face

Y/n pov

I'm so happy that I have two of my favorite men here with me today. Thank you.

But there's no need to worry back. I used to be out for a month, so I guess it didn't get worse.

" what do you mean for a month" Neuvillette said

Making him worried

" listen Candace was my caregiver when I was going through these symptoms I don't even know what it is. The doctor said there's no cure, but it only happens once a year."

Wriothesley started to rub the back of his head

" I'm gonna be here for you all the way, and if it comes down to it, I will take care of you. I will do everything in my power to make sure that you still breathing." Wriothesley said

Vision: Wriothesley x reader x neuvillette Where stories live. Discover now