Chapter 14: a new light

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Y/n pov

I stayed by Candace side all night I know dehya told me that she will be okay. I just want to apologize to her and cyno.

" hey ummm......there's no need for you to apologize to her, if anything she wants you to go do your job as a reporter" dehya said

She's right I held off from my job for so long. I bet they fired me. I need to go back. 
I got up from Candace side and walked over to my suitcase to pack my things .

" when Candace wakes up, tell her thank you"

After that, I walked out the door and caught a train back to Fontaine .
I guess this was the awakening that I needed. I kept self pitting myself over something that I don't even need.

I picked up my phone to call Charlotte tell her that I'm coming back and keep my desk clean.

I wonder how navia is doing and Wriothesley, Neuvillette must be in his office writing papers or something.
I only been gone for three weeks. I should apologize to.  Navia since I left without a warning.

The train stopped at the edge  I walked downstairs to catch a boat to Fontaine.

Navia pov

Ugh another one of my teammates is in jail over something so trivial I can't believe Neuvillette.

I walked down the stairs a taxi pulled up right in front of me.
Which is weird it's really difficult to even catch a taxi away from the courthouse  I open the door to see y/n I hopped in and hugged her.

Oh my God where have you been? I miss you.

I went to go visit my friends and I learned a valuable lesson that I will never forget.

Well, I feel a lot of positive energy coming from you. Whatever you learned must have impacted you.

Wait a minute I need to call everybody. We need to have a welcome back party. Call Charlotte.

Y/n after you left Wriothesley went underground Every time I try to go and visit him. He makes it nearly impossible for me to see him.
And Neuvillette Just been working like I know he works but he's been working more than usual. You should go say hi to him.

" I should" y/n said

" navia you can go to your mansion before me. OK I'll meet you there."

She seems a little bit more stable mature I'm happy for her
OK I'll see you back.

Y/n pov

After I waved goodbye to Navia, I turned around and walked up the stairs into the courthouse I haven't seen him in three weeks. Is it gonna be awkward? I didn't even give him a proper answer. He just kissed me and then I pushed him off.

Well, whatever I am just going to have to wing it I opened up the doors to his study

I seen Neuvillette with his long white and blue hair, he looks beautiful.

So ummm.....I was cut off he ran up to me and hugged me.
I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him back
It's been three weeks. Why are you acting like I was gone for a month or three months.

" I missed you terribly did you leave because I kissed you I'm sorry" Neuvillette said

No, that's not why I left I left because I had to get myself in order I was going through some things.

" oh well I just thought it was my fault that you left because I kissed you and you felt terribly uncomfortable and I just been very forward to you and I didn't want to make you feel like I was forcing you to do something you didn't want to do and......"

I have never heard of a judge talking this much I need to calm him down somehow.

The two stared each other in the eyes before Neuvillette leaned closed to her, close enough to smell the floral scent of her shampoo. Neuvillette could see the light freckles adorning her face; he never even knew she had freckles. He wanted to know everything there was to know about y/n . He wanted her lips on his own.
All y/n could hear was the sound of her own heart pumping in her chest, never beating as fast. She could feel the adrenaline enter her veins, making her long more and more for the lips of Neuvillette . Not even the birds were chirping anymore.
Neuvillette smelled of burning firewood, an addicting smell to her.
Neuvillette pressed his lips gently onto y/n, his head tilted left, hers tilted right, noses touching each other's cheeks.
His lips were soft and gentle, caressing her own with the slightest of movement.
Y/n legs wrapped around Neuvillette waist, her hands twisting in his whitish yet blue colored hair.
His own hands were around her waist.Neuvillette noted that her mouth tasted of mint.Neuvillette tongue licked her upper lip, asking if he could, y/n opened her mouth, tongues on tongues. Y/n had always thought exchanging saliva was disgusting, but now, in the arms of index Neuvillette , her lover , she only thought that it was amazing.

I could feel my vagina pulsing. I wanted him. I needed him, but it's too early too soon. I pulled away from the kiss.

He put his head in my neck and started kissing and leaving hickeys on my neck.

" you smell so good y/n" Neuvillette moaned

W~wait I moaned out

Neuvillette pulled away

I like you I really do but let's take it slow

Neuvillette nodded his head he put y/n down on the couch.

"I'm glad you came back don't leave me ever again"

Something about the way he said that touched my heart. My face started to get all hot and flustered.
Neuvillette puffy face was really a sight to see he's so cute. He reminds me of those animals I saw while coming here.

After that Neuvillette just hugged me and we stayed there together cuddling.
Until I realized Navia was planning a welcome home party.

Neuvillette we gotta go. Nadia is planning a party, and I totally forgot I was so wrapped up in the moment.

" it's okay to be late to your welcome home party matter-of-fact let's bring a welcoming gift like some water" Neuvillette said

I started to laugh water as a welcoming gift. I have never heard of that before I guess that's a Fontaine thing.

Neuvillette got ready and packed water
I hurried up and fixed myself before we walked out the door .

Let's go

Vision: Wriothesley x reader x neuvillette Where stories live. Discover now