Chapter 16: happiness

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I woke up to the sun in my eyes and a major headache I am glad Navia said I could spend the night and I am also grateful that I don't have work today.

I wonder how's Wriothesley doing I should go talk to him now I need to give him space if I talk to him now I am the hypocrite.

I just........ the look in his eyes, his whole demeanor, everything about him. I know something inside of him broke.

I feel like I'm about to cry again I lost a friend somebody that I hold dear. I hope he's OK.

* ring*

I looked over at my phone it was Neuvillette I hurried up and answered.

H..hi Neuvillette

" is something wrong"

I hurried up and wipe my face and fix my voice

No, I just woke up

" I was wondering if you wanted to go out today the sun is really high up in the sky and you don't have work today which means we can spend the whole day together"

I feel so guilty. I was over here, thinking about another man when I have the Almighty judge in my face.

I would love to go out let me take a bath and put clothes on .

I hung up the phone and turned the shower on. I wonder where we are going how should I dress this is my first date I don't even know what to wear. He said the sun is in the sky which means it's hot.
OK so I should just wear some shorts and a T-shirt
What about a sundress? No, just regular clothes no that's so basic.

Dating is difficult but I do think a sundress would sound nice.

After I got done showering, I dried off and put sun protectant lotion on my skin . I may have fair skin, but this sun in Fontaine is a tad bit hotter than the sun in the desert.


I heard my phone

Omg it's Neuvillette, I just got out the shower How did he get here so fast.

" y/n Neuvillette is at the door" navia said

I know just occupy him do something I need to get dressed.

" that sundress would look really nice today"
After she said that she walked out
Of course, the sundress would look nice. It's hot outside and everybody is at the beach or drinking lemonade.

I rushed to do my hair and make up  I hurried up and slipped on some jaded sandals that I got from liyue A present from shenhe.

I hurried up out the room when I made it to the balcony by the stairs I seen him he looked dashing very beautiful. Me and him met eye Contact. It was like the world stop spinning.

" you look stunning" Neuvillette said

It's nothing really 

" oh and those jaded sandals, I only seen them one time, and that was in a catalog of the most expensive shoes" Neuvillette said

OK to be perfectly honest I never knew these shoes were that expensive that's crazy she should've told me I would've never accepted it because of how expensive they are

If I may ask  Neuvillette how expensive are these shoes?

" if I'm correct like 100,000 mora"

When he said that the price echoed in my head on repeat, I could never afford these shoes. I only make 2000 mora a week. Shenhe really getting paid now. I am more grateful I have the most expensive shoes on my feet and my dress is to die for and I smell like vanilla cupcakes.

Vision: Wriothesley x reader x neuvillette Where stories live. Discover now