Chapter 26: golden hour

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Y/n pov

I know I said let's have a secret relationship but I don't know what to do. He said all them nice and kind words to me yesterday, but keeping him a secret is really disrespectful, but I don't want nobody to find out especially Neuvillette I already hurt him enough if he see me and him together kissing or doing anything that's remotely relationship wise in his face. He might actually go berserk.

But I don't want to be secret all our lives I need to come in terms with him being my boyfriend .
But  Wriothesley hasn't kept his deal he's been holding my hand in public. He even kissed my neck yesterday when I was around my coworkers he invited me on a date in public. I thought no one has to know, but everybody knows what if the information leads to the judge office what if it's already there?


I heard the doorbell chime and got up to open it
Wriothesley is here again

" I want to have a picnic in the sun today because it's not raining but I realize I never gave you a home-cooked meal. Would you like to come to my house today?"

For a minute I thought the world stop spinning. What do you mean? Do I want to come to his house? My heart started beating so fast it was thumping, loud to the point where everybody can hear it. I started to hyperventilate. I fell to my knees and passed out.

Wriothesley pov

" days grew longer and she didn't wake up I called sigewinne to check her"

She was silent for a minute before she spoke

" sir she only caught a cold, a really bad one by the looks of it, I think it's because she stressed or because of her work but she needs lots of sleep and some feel good food I'll be back with medicine on the 3rd of next month" sigewinne said

I nodded my head and sigewinne left out the door, I walked back over to her and put my head on her head.

Sigewinne said her temperature is 190, I walked over to the sink to ring out a cold rag.

" Wriothesley" I heard someone say I turned and it was y/n

You shouldn't be up sigewinne said your fever is bad I was just about to make some tea for you

" Wriothesley this always happens I'm good" what do she mean this happened already

" my sickness is real bad it passed down from my mother that's what to doctors said when I was back home" y/n said

Listen I'm going to be here for you all the way so be thinking I'm just going to walk out on you.

Y/n smiled thanks Wriothesley but for real I'm good

Please y/n let me take care of you I rested my hand on the back of her head and laid her down once she was resting I kissed her forehead.

I went to the kitchen and made some tea along with radish veggie soup when she wakes up again I'll reheat it.
After I was done I sat right back down by her side

I'm really worried sigewinne had this look on her face like something ain't right, probably one of her friends know what's going since they known her longer then I have.

I got up to search for her phone when I finally found it I looked through her call log and it's only phone number with no name on it.

Even my phone number has no name ugh when she feels better I'll have to ask about this.

Vision: Wriothesley x reader x neuvillette Where stories live. Discover now