Mess 3 (Lenox)

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I couldn't find Ally after the playhouse sexcapade. She left like Cinderella, only leaving behind her cum on my tongue instead of her shoe on a staircase. I found her through John's instagram followers. Four days later, I'm still checking every notification on my phone desperate to see that follow back symbol so that I could then very coyly DM her. It never comes, so I have to arrange an alternative plan.

I have the guys over Sunday. John and our group of friends are all tight and it's always easy to gather. This time under the pretense of watching a football game. I Uber Eats some wings and fries and go about, very subtly, asking John what Ally's deal is.

John pauses with fries full of ketchup mid way into his mouth. "Why are you interested?"

Cayman gasps and it sputters out some of his half-chewed wings. "Is he being Allified too?"

Everyone's opinion overlaps, but I hear a chorus of oh no, and here we go again.

And Pete saying, "She's slippery that one."

"What?" I ask. "You all know her?"

"And most have been rejected by her," Mark says. "So I guess it was just a matter of time before you fell victim too."

"You guys were the ones that asked her out?" I ask.

"Not me," Blaise says.

"Yes, you," Pete replies.

"Partially me."

I look between them all. "How did I not know about this?"

"Because you've been away in law school for fucking ever," Pete says.

"Yeah, tell me about it," I say sarcastically, knowing they could never comprehend the actual Hell of passing the bar. "So John-"

"Not uh," He cuts me off.

I try to think of every depraved debaucherous thing I've ever done that John's laid witness too. The worst of my behavior was never so bad that he'd want to bar me from all his family but it's still his family, and I did once win a bet to sleep with the half the freshmen rush class of Theta Theta whatever. Looking back, not a spectacular achievement.

"Come on, please," I say. "Hey, if you ever need a lawyer I'm there. Pro Bono."

"You're a litigation attorney," John says. "Is that even helpful with anything?"

"Somethings," I admit.

"Just let him," Pete says. "It's not like it's going to end up any different for pretty-boy here anyways."

John signs, "Fine. She'll be at the cookie swap next week Saturday."

Oh. It is going to end up differently for this pretty boy. Hopefully with a repeat of last party's highlight and more.

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