Mess 7 (Lenox)

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I contacted Ally with chill nonchalance about our date and her availability. She said only Friday nights and weekends ever worked for her, and also unprompted, but not unappreciated, listed every date she hates. And I had to get creative.

Date Dislikes.


Mini golf.

Regular golf.



Beach. (Except at night)

Family functions.

That last one was personal.

So, I ask Ally to meet me at the downtown area Saturday night at 7 where the local children's theater was putting on a Christmas play in the park.

"How'd you come up with this idea?" Ally asks in a way that sounds like an accusation.

I would usually lie but Ally likes honesty. "Use this information with mercy please, but I used to be a part of the children's theater for eight years."

I can see in Ally's eyes she's already scheming with how to use that against me. Before she can crack her first joke I say, "It was because my little brother wanted to do it but was too nervous everyone would make fun of him. So, I went with him."

Ally pauses for a beat and fights back a smile.

"Just say whatever you want." I say, the pressure building to greatly.

"I wasn't going to say anything," Ally insists with an overly innocent smile. "Just thinking of some ways those acting skills might get put to good use."

My cock twitches, but it's been a good fifteen minutes in her presence before the first rise of action and I take the wins where I can find them.

I had to bring our blanket and I lay it out now on the lawn wet with a cold night dew.

Ally glares down at it. "You brought such a small blanket on purpose."

"It was my only one." And truthfully it was. I didn't necessarily need to tell her how I bought it that day. Or, however, that I carefully picked one out that was only reasonably big enough for two people cuddling close together.

Ally sighs. "Get down on it first."

"Whatever you want, baby," I say, with mild flirting.

Ally rolls her eyes but there's hints of a smile lifting her cheeks. I sit with my hands behind me to keep my back off the ground and she sits ass first to nestle herself directly into my crotch. Her hair is right under my nose and smells way to vanillaly and fucking good. Everything makes me hard.

"Oh my god," Ally gasps. "I can feel your cock twitching against my ass and the children's choir is just about to perform."

"Please don't move," I beg, fighting to will it away. "I really don't want to get on a neighborhood watch list."

Ally laughs and by the mercy of the baby Jesus brought on stage doesn't tease me as she could.

I shift her around to get us both more comfortable and my dick a little less friction as a rendition of Jesus's birthday is played out. And the play seems to end way too short because all I want is an excuse for her to stay pressed up against me, but after the applause dies down, she's up. And so is something else of mine because of course she had to pounce on this opportunity. Ally kept shifting her ass every now and again into my crotch and whenever I whispered into her ear to stop, she'd shush me and point out it wasn't polite to talk during a show. As if what she was doing was at all decent theater etiquette. Hypocritical fucking tease.

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