Mess 11 (Lenox)

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I'm waiting outside the bathroom for Ally and nearly making myself bald with how many times I've run my hands through my hair. I've never made a girl throw up before. It has to be a personal best of fuck ups of mine.

"Hey," I say gently as she finally comes back out. "How are you feeling?"

"Much better," Ally says. She has a few clean napkins with her just in case, but her color looks better. "But I'm adding fairs onto my date dislike list."

I run a hand through my hair yet again. "I really fucked that up."

Ally gives me a concession shrug. "It's ok. I should have foreseen that corndogs and Gravitrons don't mix. And on the bright side by some miracle, they had mouthwash in the bathroom," she adds in brighter spirits before her face drops again. "Or maybe that's because throwing up here is pretty common."

I laugh. "It's definitely for that reason."

I take her back to the car making sure to walk slow for someone who may still be feeling ill.

"Do you want me to take you to get any medicine or food that might settle your stomach?" I ask once were in. Her seat's heat goes on first before I turn on mine. She doesn't seem to mind the gentleman's gesture and I hope it's progress. Realistically I know she just doesn't have much fight left in her after the Gravitron.

Ally shakes her head with a definitive no. "You've done enough for tonight."

I sigh. "Truth. What are my chances of ever seeing you again after this?"

She contemplates for a second. "Same as before."

"Oh, thank god." I smile in relief.

"Which is to say not very high," Ally qualifies.

"I'll take that," I say still smiling stupid.

Ally laughs at me. I'm so relieved and I go in to kiss her before I can think anything of it.

She pulls back. "You're gonna kiss me after I threw up?"

"You said the bathroom had mouthwash, right?"

Ally nods and lets me press my lips to hers. She separates it after a few seconds when my tongue instinctively slips across her bottom lip.

"Truth, did that taste like throw up?"

"Just the very faintest essence of throw up," I say. "Definitely not my favorite thing I've tasted that's come out of you."

Ally brightly laughs and then pauses. And then her face suddenly drops off like how the rollercoaster dumped us over its hill.

"Take me home, Lenox."

Ally's not subtle with her emotions and it's clear as day that she's not happy about something. But I get to driving, thinking I'd better play it safe and not prod her over such a reaction when I did just so recently make her throw up. She won't turn to me the entire ride and her body is faced away towards her window. And I'm no expert on body language but I start to think it's something more than a bad stomach that's got her so pressed.

When we pull up to her street I dare to ask. "Did I do something wrong?"

"No," Ally shuts me down. "Forget it."

"Are you mad because you're embarrassed?"

It wasn't the right question to ask based on how Ally glares back at me before rushing out of my car. I have to jump out to go after her quick enough to reach her before she's gone.

"Ally?" I say sprinting up the steps of her front porch.

"Go home Lenox," she says with her keys in the lock. "I'm not in the mood to fuck tonight."

"Ok," I say cautiously, "What about something else?"

Her eyes roll while staring down at my crotch. "Nothing else phallic is going in my mouth for quite a while."

"I'm not talking about that," I say, though I feel a burn up my neck. "At least let me take care of you and correct my fuck up."

"You did. Fuck up, unfucked" Ally insists, shutting the door. "I'm fine. Bye."

Only the door is in my face now and I sigh.

"Bye, Ally," I say to the wood and feel the sudden desire to smash my forehead against it.

Before I can commit door assault, an above head cackling causes me to look up. "It's the boy!" A bushy brown haired girl yells down at me from an open bay window.

"On our holy doorsteps!" Another one gasps with dramatic inflection. The roommates of hers that had been adorning the witches hate earlier.

"We curse you with an eternity of limp dick if you do anything to hurt our sister!" the red head says. "Outside of preferred consensual sexual preferences of course," she amends.

I'm squinting up to try and make them out in the darkness and barely have time to cover my eyes when a cloud of pink glitter confetti descends on me. The cackling gets louder, and I spit glitter from my mouth.

"Stop that!" I hear Ally yell as she pulls the girls away. She makes unhappy eye contact with me for barley a second before shutting the window.

Messy by ChoiceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora