Mess 15 (Lenox)

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Ally must really like sex plan and direct, because she's immediately before me. The towel I've worn since getting out of the water is easily stripped away by her. Convenient. Noted.

"God, you're incredible," I grunt out as Ally is doing her level best to get me to bust down her throat. "Fucking perfect." One of my hands drops to her hair and grabs a handful to pull her at a better angle as my hips flex forward. Her eyes shoot up to mine and even though she's not at all signaling it in anyways, I worry I was too rough just then, and go about it more gently. "You look so pretty sucking like that, baby."

Ally pulls off of me to smile. For a girl that sure hates sweet sentiments she sure does love a compliment to inflate her ego and wet her vaginal walls. And I love to comply. I squat down before her and brush hair behind her ears.

"You look a lot prettier cumming on my dick though."

Ally's smile draws devilishly wide as she lets me push her by her shoulders onto her back. I climb over top her. "Make me pretty then, Lenox." Ally says, wrapping her hand around my neck.

"What's the magic word?" I re-use against her.

"No-" Before she can finish the first syllable, I push into her slowly but firmly until she's all the way filled and I'm all the way in.

God, I wish it wasn't as eventful as the times before. That it didn't feel absolutely amazing and heart wrenching to be wrapped around her. But it was just getting better each time and with each time she breathes my name into my ear before biting on my lobe I feel I could just about die happy right here and now.

But I don't want tonight over with so soon and I put all my weight behind my hips the next time I push inside. Striking that spot, I'd fucked her up with before.

Ally tightens up and unlocks after a second. And her eyes are glazing over and watery. Beautiful.

"More," she stumbles over asking.

"More what, Ally?" I ask with every intention to make her beg. "More pressure?" I push down on her lower stomach while thrusting as hard as possible. I can see how she shudders through her pupils.

"Do you want it faster?" I change the angle and open her hips wider. Her mouth forms an O and I've found that dragon's lair again. And I drill my sword into the beast again and again, until it's writhing and shaking. Ally answers something along a yes that's hard to make out when her voice gets shrilled and choked up.

"Is that good for you? Do you like when I fuck you like this?"

"God, Lenox!" Ally curses as her orgasm builds and her legs shake. "You just love hearing that you're good at sex, don't you?"

I smile. "Humor me." And then do one long hard thrust up and keep it there.

Ally gasps and seems not to breathe for a few seconds before she seethes out some curses. The only one I make out is asshole.

She's losing herself. God, I love watching her lose. "Come on, Ally. Can't you be sweet this once? Tell me how you like it when I fuck you."

I give extra pressure and quickness to my next couple thrust and she gets very creative with her profanity.

It makes me laugh and I kiss her. Pulling away she's biting at her bottom lip and seeming to fight against herself. I give her an extra hard push up of my hips and her pride must suddenly release with her next gasp because her gaze waters over and she starts panting. "You're such a good fuck," Ally says in a breathless confession as her mouth hangs open after each word. "My favorite fuck. The only guy I want fucking me."

Fuck, why did she have to say that? Why did that get my heart racing? Why did I start drilling into her as hard as I can as if to prove to her no one else ever will and she shouldn't waste her time with anyone but me. Her words get to me, and I force my dick all the way and leave it there as I cum into her.

Thank God, she shutters to. Ally's fingers grasp around my throat as she blows. She looks half like she wants to strangle me with absolutely none of the energy to do it. I'm invigorated. I trace my thumb across her bottom lip to rube the grimace away and she gives up the attitude to lay across me like a cat drinking in warm sunlight. I collect her as close as I can with a heavy arm around her waist and I swear she starts purring. If I were her, I'd make some good pussy joke to cut the mood. But I'm not her. I don't like to ruin these sweet moments. I like to bask in how she's so warm and soft and my hand can't stop tracing the skin of her back or drinking myself drunk on the vanilla rose smell of her hair.

After a while Ally props herself up by her forearms and stares into my eyes. I adjust her hair until it's all behind her.

"Hey," she says, looking unsure of herself as she lies naked nestled on top of me. She's such a weird sort of girl. "Is Vee really your type?"

I laugh. Absurd thing to ask while cuddling after sex, but Ally's an absurd girl. What's most absurd is to think she might need some reassurance or has felt at all insecure about something involving me.

"No," I say, framing her jaw with my finger so she's forced to keep eye contact because I love falling deep and lost in the color of them where I can see she has a circle of green right next to her left pupil. "No, my type of girls are the ones that insult me while they string me along."

Ally's nose scrunches until she's grimacing. "I'm not doing that," she says, but can't keep eye contact. "You're free to leave whenever you want."

And I proceed with stupid hope to ruin an otherwise pretty perfect night. But I'm a fucking idiot for this girl. "I don't want that," I admit.  And with even more stupid bravery ask. "Do you?"

Ally pauses. My heart's tensing even knowing there wouldn't be an answer I'd like to hear. I just had to be stupid again. 

Ally never does answer me. Instead, she gets dressed without saying a word. I do too. And I drop her home. Did I get burned by the fire tonight? I don't know, but I don't feel great.

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