Mess 10 (Ally)

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"You forgot to ask for this back," I say handing Lenox his ring as he's driven the last ten minutes in silence.

Lenox takes his eyes off the rode for one second to look down at it. "I didn't forget," he says, accepting it back, nonetheless. He places it on his pinky and the car takes over driving by itself for a few seconds. How obnoxious of both him and his vehicle.

I inspect him over. Did that insinuate attachment or something? Or did he just not care about the ring? I choose to believe the former. And not let it ruin a potential night of sexual fulfillment. Because I earned this. Shaved and all.

Lenox turns down streets I'm familiar with until we get somewhere I haven't been since I was a kid well before my parents divorced.

"The fair?" I ask.

Lenox nods as he pays for parking. I offer to pay half and he looks at me like he's insulted. Rich lawyer fuck can afford it and I really can't, so I don't press to pay.

The fair is a small town one. Our town isn't so small but not grandiose in any way. Busier of the latter as all of central Florida was getting, and that reflected in the amount of people we were having to wait behind for corn dogs.

"Could you have picked a food with more subtle euphemism?" Lenox rhetorically asks as I split my ketchup packet open.

I laugh and start to squirt the ketchup over the dog. "You wouldn't have wanted me to," I say playing with putting the tip in my mouth, sucking for half a second then taking a bite.

"Jesus, Ally," Lenox curses. "There are children here."

An innocent smile, devoid of all devilishness lifts the side of my cheek as one of my eyebrows lifts too. "And just what are you thinking about when I'm trying to enjoy my dinner?" I lick the top of the dog before taking it back into my mouth for another bite.

"Now you're just being cruel," he says, looking tense as his jaw grits. "Eat."

"And you'll return the favor?" I ask back.

"When and where," he swears in reiteration of my earlier text.

I laugh. He's quick to keep up with me. I once had a guy tell me it was exhausting trying to keep up with me after the first date. Then processed to still date him for eight months. I wonder how many dates in before Lenox will say it too. Hopefully after this one so I can settle his expectations and steer us away from the anything serious territory and into the safe sporadic side fuck space.

He buys tickets to a few of the rides. The big claw one I loved, the rollercoaster I loved, but the Gravitron thing was too much, and my stomach started twisting with queasy butterflies.

Lenox watches me grip my stomach once we're back on stable ground and holds my lower back as if I'm at risk of falling.

"Wanna take a break?" He asks.

I nod and he walks me over to the Ferris wheel that was just accepting its last couple before starting again.

He won't stop looking at me white faced with concern and guilt. "I heard that the sensation of rollercoasters can bring out certain feelings in a girl that makes them more attached to the person they ride them with."

"Truth," I say. "Were you hoping I'd fall for your antics because of centrifugal force?"

Lenox shrugs. "Well, I didn't think it would make you nauseous at the sight of me."

I laugh. It doesn't make my unsettled stomach happy though. "Just so you know, those kinds of rides don't make girls more attached, it makes the golden gates creak open."

"Really?" Lenox asks.

I nod. "Something about the force and speed and rockiness. It's weird, and usually those rides would have led into a good segway into sex, but right now..."

"Yeah, I can see that," he says apologetically.

"I'll be fine," I say, like I can will it so with words. "Just distract me."

"Ok, then," Lenox replies. "Truth. Why did you reject mine and John's other friends?"

I wave my hand past my face, waving off the question. "They were never serious about it. They were just so rare to meet a person of the opposite sex who was available and within their age range and physical vicinity that they all hopped at the chance for it to be something. But I never shared one thing in common with any of them. And with you it was really just a rare case of being in the right place at the right time in my cycle where I really needed to scratch an itch."

He laughs.

"You laugh but I was starting to look at the bedpost on John's old bed a little too long."

"So, I just barely beat out a bedpost?"

I nod enthusiastically.

"Hell yeah," Lenox self-cheers like it's a high honor accomplishment.

It makes me laugh again. "Truth," I manage to say past my rumbling stomach. "Did you invite me here to fuck me in this?"

Lenox smiles despite himself. "No," he tries to deny. "I wanted to see you. I also additionally thought it would be a good opportunity to test if your public sex kink is still intact."

"Well good foresight," I say as my stomach suddenly spasms. "But I've never felt less sexually aroused in my life." I put my hand over my mouth, but oh no. It's coming. I've been here before and I'm over the tipping point of this precipitous.

"Ally?" Lenox asks. I get to the side of the cart before throwing up corndog over the edge of it.

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