35-The Holidays

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6 weeks later...

"So errybody and they momma gotta elevator fight now includin you." The interviewer looked at Vibe.

He nodded rubbing his neck.

"Shit look outta context fa real." Vibe said knowing he could avoid the subject for forever.

"So the word is yo girl beat yo ass after she caught you cheatin wit yo ex?" The woman smiled.

Vibe knew the interviewer could be out there, even messy but never expected her to jump right in.

Vibe let out a chuckle and figured since everyone wanted to know he would tell them.

It probably didn't help that they had been drinking.

"First off shorty wasn't my girl. She showed up tryna fuck and I told her ass to leave. I ain't even goin to lie I don't get the concept of women doin that shit, and I am using that term women lightly." He said and she looked at him rolling her neck.

"So what is it?" She asked with his latest track playing in the background

"My girl was mad about something completely different. So to answer, no, she don't be beatin a nigga and no I don't be hittin her, since the media has things misconstrued. It was just some shit she found out and she ain't like it. I tried to get her to stay so we could talk it out." He admitted.

"Wasn't no talkin." She said and he looked at her.

"So you did cheat?" She asked and he laughed.

"Hell na. Why I'ma cheat when I got what I need at home. That's for lame niggas. It was jus some shit before us that she had found out about a lil to late." He said and she eyed him.

"So some shit before got you caught up? You gotta baby on the way?" She asked and he sucked his teeth.

"Yo ass be askin tha weirdest questions. Look sometimes shit happen she was mad, it was an argument, and I tried to get her to talk it out. She gotta bad thing about that. When she get mad she will shut out the world." He said looking at the camera.

Isyss turned off the interview feeling like he was looking right at her.

Isla looked at her sister seeing her blank face.

Behind it was nothing but emotion.

"Well, you passed this semester." Isla said with a smile trying to cheer her up.

"Yup, and we got you cake." Play said pointing as Keisha carried another bag.

"And snacks." She added.

Isyss and Vibe's very public fight had gone viral, there were memes, clips, and photos.

The only positive was her face was not able to be seen.

That didn't matter since the world had already known it was her, ever since the drop of the video she recreated, she grew to regret it. She regretted going public and wished she had waited even longer. This was mostly because she didn't know if was better or worse since most people speculated as to what happened.

Isyss did get invites to interview but she didn't accept any of them and really avoided everyone, well outside of Mar.

This was simply because the contract was signed.

Isyss gave the group a small smile not wanting to ignore their efforts.

"Thanks." She said and Play looked at her and as usual, said what he was thinking.

Her eyes went down to the ring on her finger. It was a gift from Vibe, She had kept it on because honestly, it was one of the first things he had gifted her after being official. Maybe it was because of his promises that his betrayal ran deep.

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