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1 year later..

"That shit not what it look like." Vibe said as Play looked at him with a look of disbelief.

"I'm fa real. I would never play Ice like that. That's still my wife." Vibe said and Play shrugged.

"Shit are yawl even still married? What it's been-" Play started and Vibe cut him off.

"Nigga we're still married. I'm still just tryna give her space." He said and Play looked at him.

"A whole lotta space but today out of all days you out wit-" Play started and Vibe cut him off.

Vibe knew very well what today was, he didn't need a reminder.

"It's not like that Play. That shit from that other day when I got back from Europe, you remember, I already told yo ass I was chased. It's the girl from my support group." Vibe said and Play got quiet.

Play had to admit Vibe did tell him but looking at it in the media was completely different.

Vibe had joined the group four months after the loss of their daughter. He met Destiny the following month when her brother died in a car crash. From what he understood, she was the driver and he never asked more, especially after noticing the scar on the bottom of her face.

Nearly a month later Destiny had tried to commit suicide and it had been Vibe who saved her.

Maybe it was because he needed to save someone or maybe he just needed something.

Needless to say the two often had a coffee or meal before or after their group meetings.

They were caught once before but the other day was the worst it had ever been.

Paparazzi had chased them down the street before they were forced into one of his cars.

He thought it was strange and figured they had to been desperate for a story.

"Shit you goin to explain this to Ice cause-" Play pointed to the TV and just like it had been all morning it showed Vibe hand in hand with the 'unknown' woman.

It looked crazy as the clip replayed of them running and him pulling her hand into his truck. The photos of them getting coffee even looked bad. A common reoccurrence with the same woman

"Fuck." He said in frustration.

Vibe paced a few steps before he turned for the door.

"Wait, where are you goin?" Play asked his brother.

Play said long ago he would stay out of their issues.

"To talk to her." Vibe said and he looked.

"She uh not at home." Play said  shocked his brother was actually going after her.

Vibe shot him a look.

"Nigga, I'm goin to her job." He said.

"Wait..You know where she works at?" Play asked and he shot his brother a look.

"Why wouldn't I know where my wife works?" He said and Play rolled his eyes.

He should have known better to actually think Vibe would ever give up on her when he knew he never really would.

Vibe rushed out to a car and Play was sure just like any other time Isyss would refuse to talk to him but he was still curious if she would even be willing to hear his brother out.


"I guess it won't be too bad working with Vibe right?" Colby said and Isyss sat there trying to calm herself.

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