Chapter 36: Behind Closed Doors

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Blue. Such an intriguing color. To some, it evokes tranquility, calmness, and serenity. Not many people see the color and think of danger.

"Breaking news! We are receiving reports that Megapolis is experiencing not one, but three demon attacks." Heng reported, eyes on the camera while trying not to crinkle the papers in his hands. "And as if that's not enough, the Weather Station is experiencing some sort of malfunction, causing a winter to completely take over the city!"

But blue, like all colors, come in an array of shades. From the deepest navy found only in the depths that shipwrecks know, to the brightest teals that only the fires of Diyu possess. Fires that are supposed to warm one in an already cold environment. Only to lure them into a false sense of hope with an icy sensation.

"That's right, Heng. From the east side, we have the Monkie Kid, face-to-face with the Wood Walrus Demon!" It was now Shihan's turn to report, taking the wheel to lessen the stress her friend was already experiencing. 

An interesting observation in nature, she noted. How flora and fauna alike use brighter colors to signify danger, while also luring prey. Curious, is it not? The duality of symbolism in colors, and how they contribute into this never ending cycle of Samsara.

A cycle she aimed to eradicate.

"It's not looking too great from the south and the west either. From the south, racer and Dragon Heroine Ao Mei is at odds with the White-footed Owl! And at the west? Our unnamed Ocean Hero against the Two-tailed Snow Leopard!" Shihan continued, her and Heng's likeness being broadcasted everywhere, including a billboard nearby you and your enemy.

Duality. Quite the word as well. Dichotomies have always been a subject of interest to the one she once looked up to. The idea of two forces holding a part of each other, while dancing in tandem. To believe that she was foolish enough to subscribe to that. A mere excuse to ignore what can be done about this unnecessary pain.

"Mic to IR! Mic to IR! What's the current status of the Weather Station?!" You yelled, further bruised and battered by the demon that hurdled you against the wall, emerging from the crater you created. In front of you was what you'd thought was a one-and-done fight with another demon, a snow leopard that was only strengthened by the harsh storm of white.

No longer does she experience difficulty suppressing thoughts around the one who she was once the messenger for. No. She was long past those days of naivete. But what she felt...A disturbance that translated into a sound of something being unlocked...

Felt eerily familiar.

"There seems to be some sort of third party!" Red Son spat in frustration, trying to fix what was causing the station to trigger the harsh winter. Snowstorms continued to howl from above while he worked from the foundry. "I'm still trying to figure out who in Diyu this peasant even is!"

And now she found herself here. In this fragile vessel that could only sustain her for so long until it becomes unbearable. It was not a problem with control, but exactly how long it could last until signs of decay start to show.

"Just give up already, little cub!" Taunted the demon, snapping your attention away from the bull prince. "All you've been giving me is just child's play, and it's starting to bore me!"

"Don't flatter yourself, comrade." You forced your vocal chords, pushing yourself back up as you turned one of your flutes into a sunwheel. Water powers may be out of the question when it comes to snow, but that didn't mean that you were rendered useless. "There's more where that came from."

Knowing what she felt during the retrieval of the box, it was obvious that she needed to act quicker. Destiny does not need to be rushed, but the obstacles in front of it would lessen if she did more as it stood.

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