7- jess.

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He painted a very negative picture of Jess, although all he ever said were nice things about her. She grew up in the area, lived with her family and eventually moved in with him. They still lived together. Although, she was never home. She would stay out drinking every single night and would crash on friends' couches. She only came home when he wasn't there.

The last time she had went home with him there, she started a huge fight. He has had his stuff packed up ready to go in case she ever kicked him out of her house. He would occasionally have dinners with her family and without her. Her family loved him. They knew he treated her right, like no one else ever has. But she was a handful.

She never wanted to see him. Weeks would go by without them seeing each other. It was super strange to me. As much as Hunter and I hated each other sometimes, and always got into arguments, we still always wanted to be together. We always wanted to do everything together. I couldn't believe they hardly saw each other. But I guess that's just how some relationships are. Some people work better that way.

She was gorgeous. Much skinnier and prettier than I was. I was insecure about that. Why would he want someone bigger like me when he's used to holding someone so skinny? Maybe he's tired of skinny girls. Plus it's been two years since she's held him anyways. Maybe he forgot how it feels.

She had a drug problem. Maybe that's why they grew so apart. I wouldn't know though. He never really told me why they fell apart. The only things I knew were that they used to be so in love and eventually things went to shit. Her drug usage wasn't so bad. Occasional cocaine and molly from what I know.

He had been in love with her for years before she even gave him a chance. They were "just friends" for the longest time. Every few months he would ask her out again. One day she gave in. She was much prettier than he was. Way out of his league. If someone as good looking as him even had a league.

She knew she was prettier than all the other girls and she knew she was out of his league. I guessed she just settled on him. I mean I would've if I were her. It's Cyrus. He's absolutely incredible. Every girl wants to be with him. I'm not sure what made her much better than him, other than her looks and her body.

In my eyes, he was out of her league. He had less problems and was much better looking. Maybe my opinion is based, but I don't care. Nobody wants a drug addict anyways.

She has been in recovery for years. But always seems to relapse. She used to constantly go to rehab, but finally gave up on it. She figured she will always be an addict and never get better. She figured what's the point of going anyways?

Jess was something special. Someone I'd never be friends with in a million years. I mean how can you go 2 years without being intimate, loving, kind, respectful, etc. with an amazing man like Cyrus. I'm lucky he's even giving me the time of day. I don't know how many times I've thought about him being way out of my league.

"Gracie you're out of my league," he'd say.

I'd laugh at him because I know it's not true. But if he wanted to believe it, shit that's okay with me. More brownie points for me. 

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