10- angel.

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That night, I went to Angel's house. The usual ritual. When I got there, she was still working on her desktop. I had a key to her house, so when I pulled up, I walked up the couple front steps and let myself in her front door. 

"Hey boo", she said. She got up and walked over to me. She gave me the tightest hug. 

"I thought you were still working." I said while sounding squished.

"I am. I just wanted to make sure you're doing okay hun, I know it was a hard day." She was the best. No one cared about me as much as she did. She was truly my best friend in the whole world. The woman I want standing by my side on my wedding day. A day I had started thinking about again for the first time in a long time. 

"Yeah baby, I'M READY TO PARTYYYY." I know she could tell how sarcastic I was being. She knew me better than anybody else.

"You know, I know you're full of shit, but I'm still taking you up on that offer. We're going out tonight. Go to my closet and find something hot to wear while I finish up work."

I laughed at her, but I wasn't against it. I walked up her hard wood stairs and made a left to her room. She had a huge walk in closet with a million pairs of clothes. Her closet was so perfect. So beautiful. She had twinkly white lights hanging from the ceiling, going around the perimeter of the room. She had a GORGEOUS vanity mirror desk. How I wished I had as much money as she did. 

I sat down at her vanity desk and pushed the right side of my hair back behind my ear. I smiled slightly, even though my heart felt sad. I needed music. 

She had a gorgeous record player sitting on the other side of the closet, across from her vanity desk. I got up and shuffled through the rack of vinyl's she had. She had everything, from every genre, from any year. Or at least it felt like that. 

She had a Lana Del Rey, Born to Die vinyl. I took it out of the case and put it on the record player. I had no clue how to use a record player until Angel had taught me. 

Lana wasn't the kind of going out music. But definitely the type of music to keep me calm. It's sort of just what I needed. 

Angel yelled at me from downstairs, "LANA IS JUST GONNA MAKE YOU SAD, PUT ON SOME VAN HALEN BITCH!" 

We both laughed. I didn't even know she could year the record player from downstairs. But I guess since she had been quiet and not on any phone calls, she could hear the music. 

I ignored her command. I kept Lana playing. I walked over to where she kept her dresses. I knew exactly what I wanted to where the whole time I was in her closet. She had a sparkly silver spaghetti strap dress with tassels on it. It was beautiful. I don't even know how she could afford it. As much as we loved our thrift store trips, she didn't buy her dresses from there.

I decided to shower before I got changed. I even borrowed a pair of lace underwear so I could feel extra sexy. After my shower, I went to the guest room, sat on the bed with one towel wrapped around my hair and the other wrapped around my body and I cried. Lana was still faintly playing in the other room. Angel was right, that record did make me sad. 

I cried quietly. Angel must've somehow known I'd been crying because next thing I know, I saw her walking into the guest room to come sit with me. We laid facing each other.

"Listen boo. You're going to be so much happier with Cyrus... I mean look at you. You already are. Your face lights up every time you talk about him. And all Hunter ever did was make you cry. Now you're free from him and he's still making you cry." She was right. What she said, made me feel better. "Come on, get on up and I'll do your hair."

We both walked into her room and into her closet. She put on a Motley Crue record. She knew that would always make me feel better.

I was still wearing my towels. She took my hair out of the towel, blow dried it and curled it. Then she pulled a chair up to me and did my make up. I changed into the dress. She made me feel absolutely beautiful. I can always count on her for that.

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