20- back to her house.

2 0 0

Angel was right. I was pissed when she told me there was a wanted poster with Hunter's face on it. 

"That fucking prick loves to stir up trouble." I said.

"That's why we had to get him away from you Grace... Please don't ever go back to him."

"I couldn't even if I wanted to, I have Cyrus now."

"Yeah, but what if he doesn't break up with that girl Jen?"

"Jess, not that it matters." We both laughed and the conversation went serious again. "I don't know what I'd do then Ang."

"Okay... I'm sorry I'm just worried about you getting your hopes up and this one not following through."

She's right. There have been plenty of guys that tell me one thing and end up breaking me when they don't do what they say. I was hopeful about Cyrus. Maybe too hopeful. But I wanted to stick with my gut, because it told me that this was the real thing. 

"Thanks for always caring, Ang. It means a lot. But I think he was serious. He said it so many times and he seems super into me... for some reason."

"FOR SOME REASON?! Gracie you're a hot piece of ass with an incredible personality. Any guy... or gal, would be lucky to have you, even talk to you!"

I smiled. Her words always meant so much to me. I knew she'd never lie to me. She had no reason to. 

It was around 10pm by the time we got back to her house. Once we got inside, she made our strawberry margaritas while I sat on the couch and un-paused Cinderella. She walked into the living room with two big glasses in her hands, filled with strawberry margaritas.

I inhaled my margaritas, one after another. By the time the movie was almost over, I was drunk. Happily drunk.

"Damn Gracie, I never see you drink this much".

"Well get used to it, cause I'm a whole new Gracie. New Gracie with a new man."

"I love it." She laughed.

We both loved it. I knew she'd love it because she really doesn't like drinking by herself. She still does it anyways. But I also knew she'd love it because she saw a happier side of me. One that has been locked away in a closet for four years.

She cut off Cinderella and put on some music. We loved listening to country music together while we drank, it was sort of our thing. She wanted to play a drinking game, but new I was too far gone. So, we just played beer pong instead, just without the drinking part.

She always had a beer pong table set up in her game room. Previously it was her little brother Robbie's room, before her family moved out. She threw a lot of parties since her family moved out. She said it's the only thing that keeps her sane and not lonely. She loved living by herself, but she did miss them a lot. 

We played beer pong for about 10 minutes until I was leaning and fell over. "Alright, drunky, let's get you up to bed. She slung me over her shoulder with her massive strength. I never understood why or how she was so strong. She lifted weights all the time. But enough to carry an overweight drunk person up the stairs? Yeah, she's got to be kidding me. If it hasn't happened before, then I would have never believed she would be able to pick me up like that.

She grabbed my bag that was sitting by inside of the front door and carried me up the stairs. I think I had about 7 margaritas total. She threw my bag on the floor of the guest room and flopped me down on the bed, which I loved. I couldn't stop laughing, I was having so much fun.

She unzipped my bag and pulled out the sweatpants and sweatshirt I always brought with me to sleep in at her house. She always knew how cold I would get, but never turned up the heat on the thermostat. Instead, she would just give me a shit load of blankets. I was fine with that. I loved sleeping with like six blankets. Sometimes I felt more at home at her house than I did at my own house. Even just moving back to my dad's house.

She helped me get changed, even though I was sort of kicking my feet around and saying dumb shit. She always looked after me. She always knew HOW to look after me. When I wouldn't stop kicking my feet around, she laid down on her back next to me and started kicking her feet around. That really made me not stop laughing. 

Once I had calmed down, she put all six of her extra blankets on me and turned off the light. I could hear her walking back towards her room. Within seconds, I fell asleep.

GraceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora