11- the bar.

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It was about 7:30-8 o'clock by the time we were ready to go. I was getting tired, but Angel made strawberry margaritas and it woke me right up. We went to this bar down the street from her house called 5-oh. I had never been there before, but she went all the time. 

When she walked in the bar, it seemed like she knew everybody there. She was introducing me to people the entire night. We ordered two shots and the people next to us ordered shots too. We all did shots together. 

There was a cute guy sitting on the right side of me. He said his name was Colin. 

Angel went outside to smoke a cigarette about a couple hours after we got there. It seemed like she was out there for a while, but I wasn't paying much attention. Colin was keeping me occupied. It felt like he told me his whole life story. He was really into me. He kept putting his hand on my thigh. It was turning me on, I'm not gonna lie. 

"I have to go to the bathroom," I said.

"Let me walk you," Colin said. 

He took my hand and led me towards the bathroom. I walked in and he waited outside the door for me. It was a one person bathroom. After I had finished and washed my hands, I opened the door, grabbed him and pulled him in. I started kissing him. 

While we were kissing, he started putting his tongue in my mouth, picked me up by my ass and put me on the counter. I wrapped my legs around him. I had my hands on the backside of his head, running my fingers through his hair. 

"Wait. Stop. I can't do this..." I lightly pushed his chest away from mine. "I just broke up with my boyfriend today and I already have another guy waiting for me. Now you. I feel like such a slut."

"That's okay hun, we can stop." He was surprisingly understanding. He picked me up off the counter and I put my feet back on the floor. 

I grabbed his hand, "thank you." I whispered. We walked out of the bathroom holding hands. There were two girls standing outside of the bathroom waiting to go in. I was really worried they'd be pissed. They would've known I was in the bathroom kissing Colin, except they probably thought worse of me.

The girls knew Angel. "Alright!" One girl said to me, while laughing. 

"No it's not like that. We just kissed, that's all." I giggled.

"Okay honey. Sure, you did." Of course they didn't believe me. They just saw me walk out of a CLEAN one person bathroom with a guy. Even I wouldn't believe me. 

When I got back to our seats, Angel was sitting there talking to Colin's friend Ahmaad. Angel looked sort of upset, but she was laughing. 

"Is everything okay?" I asked.

"Is everything okay with you?! I see the two of you holding hands AND coming from the bathroom." She smiled.

I leaned over to whisper to her, "yeah, nothing happened, we just made out." 

"The real Gracie is back!!!!" She yelled. 

She was thrilled. The "real Gracie" isn't a hoe, but she does like to have fun. It felt like such a long time I had let loose and "had fun".

We hung out for a few more hours. Colin had to leave early since he had work in the morning. I didn't get his number and he didn't get mine. 

Around 11:30 ish, Angel got a call from Stan.

"Who is that? Is that Stan? Why is he calling you?" I was so drunk. I wondered if she had been seeing him in secret. But I knew she liked her men to be a bit more local. 

"I think he wants to ask me on another date," she said. She whispered something else into the phone and hung up.

I quickly got distracted by something else. I get easily distracted when I was this level of intoxicated. 

When 12:30am hit, my eyes felt heavy and about 30 minutes had gone by since I had stopped drinking. I was exhausted and ready to go. 

"You ready to go, honey?" She asked. 

"Yeah, I'm so tired." 

She closed out the bill. She paid for our whole tab. We left the bar, got in her car and drove back to her house. I had the window down, soaking up the fresh, cool October air. Nothing had felt better than this moment. 

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